(07) He Once Had Me

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"Hey, how are you?" Taeyong has been trying to avoid Jaehyun since he got back to campus.

But Jaehyun kept following him like a lost dog and trying to help him at any moment he could.

Taeyong didn't like Jaehyun being so caring towards him, it hurts his heart and pride.

How is this gonna help him move on?

He felt so weak.

"I'm prefectly- fine" Taeyong's voice cracked, holding in his tears as his heart beat increased it's speed.

Why was he like this?

He kept a stern face with a cold aura around him.

Jaehyun scanned him from head to toe.

"Wanna get dinner later?" Jaehyun asked, wanting to feed Taeyong well since he looks so skinny.

He's worried about the older's health. Both physical and mental health.

"No" Taeyong denied with an eye-roll.

The older apologized in his mind by how mean and rude he is being towards Jaehyun.

He felt like smacking himself.

"How about going to the amusement park together? You love going to there" Jaehyun then asked, trying to convince Taeyong.

"I hate going there" Taeyong replied, keep on going forward and not looking at Jaehyun.

"Watch a movie at my place?" Jaehyun asked again.

Taeyong was getting frustrated yet touched.

"No" He replied.

"Then where do you want to go?" Jaehyun was also getting impatient. Taeyong stopped his tracks and looked at the taller.

Why was Jaehyun doing this?

"Library" Taeyong blurted.

He felt bad. A part of him wanted to be with Jaehyun yet a part of him knows that being with Jaehyun will only break him more.

Jaehyun stood silent. "I'll be infront of the campus library which is, if you don't know in the main building. Now go to your classes. See you at 3 sharp or I'll leave the campus" Taeyong said, with an irritated look which left Jaehyun to nod silently.

Taeyong speed-walked away from Jaehyun, going to his class.

He sighed, his heart felt a little sting.

"Hyung~" The sweet highpitched voice made him turn his head towards the direction of the voice.

He smiled when he saw Jungwoo with his usual bright smile.

"We don't have the same class so I wanted to give you this" Jungwoo gave him a green tea drink and a small pink coloured box.

Taeyong took it with a happy smile and put the box in his backpack.

"Thanks Zeus" Taeyong said, ruffling the boy's hair.

He waved at Taeyong before going the other way.

Taeyong tried the drink and he actually liked it. He used to love green tea but the drink reminded him too much of Jaehyun so he stopped drinking it.

"Oh hey Jaehyun-ssi, are you going to your classes?" He heard Jungwoo's voice behind him which made him remember that he has classes.


2.57 pm

Great. Taeyong smiled a little bit when he saw that Jaehyun was no where to be seen.

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