(2) Blue Anemone

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"Kyong! Hey come back here!"

The cat ran over the counters, jumping onto the head of the sofas and then onto a high shelf with Taeyong's phone in it's mouth.

"Come down here, Kyong!" Basically what happened is Taeyong kept zoning out thinking about you know who and Kyong knew about it so the cat decided to steal it's owner's phone.

"Gosh dang it. Kyong get down here right now" the cat didn't hesitate to jump on another shelf which made Taeyong sigh in defeat.

"Sometimes, I really hate how smart you are" Taeyong said which made Kyong jump down from the shelf, onto the floor, walking past Taeyong proudly, the phone still in it's mouth.

Ding dong! The doorbell startled both Kyong and Taeyong.

The human being walked over to the door, opening it. It revealed a smiling male holding a blue flower and a box.

Wait, it's Ten.

"Hey Taeyong. Looks like you're not ready to go yet, I can wait for you to change" The male said with a wide smile.

Taeyong was still dumb-struck, why was Ten here?

No, how did he get his address?

Taeyong closed the door, hurrying to his room to change his clothes. He was only wearing a T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants so he put on a hoodie and a pair of sweats before going out to the livingroom.

He saw Ten standing infront of the window, tidy-ing a vase which had the blue flower he was holding before.

He was infront the window but inside the house, just to make it more clear.

Kyong was just sitting there, watching him.

Taeyong walked over to the male questioningly. Ten heard his foot-steps and looked at the older male with a happy smile.

"What are you doing?" Taeyong asked in a serious tone, looking at the medium sized vase thay was only filled with one flower.

"Giving you this vase as a gift and this flower here is a blue anemone, isn't it pretty?" The male said, looking at the flower and then to Taeyong.

"Pretty, just like you" Ten muttered very quietly, he felt his own heart hammered in his chest as Taeyong stared at the blue flower.

"C'mon, let's go" Ten pulled the other male's arm, pulling him out of the house.

"Oh right, kitty. I'm gonna borrow Taeyong for a bit okay? He'll be safe and sound, I promise" was what Ten said to Kyong, waving at him before closing the door.

Taeyong took his phone from Kyong and locked the door, just following the other's lead since he had nothing to do anyway. 


"Do you like your coffee?" Taeyong nod in reply, sipping his cup of coffee.

He actually hated the bitter taste of coffee in the past but now he has learned to love it.

"Can you speak more? I feel like I'm speaking to a wall" Ten said and Taeyong just rolled his eyes.

He locked eyes with the shorter, putting down his cup of coffee and crosses his arms together before leaning back on his chair.

Ten felt his own face heat up because of Taeyong's intense stare and he could feel his own stomach do a summersault.

"You ask questions, I'll answer them" Ten's face lit up just by those couple of words.

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