(3) Rapper

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"You better behave, I'm bringing you to Jisung. You miss him right?"

Kyong shook his head as a no in responce which resulted to Taeyong rolling his eyes. "Well, you got no choice"


Taeyong sighed, trying to catch the cat that kept on jumping on shelves and cabinets. Kyong hated being in cars, he gets car-sick at times.

Ding dong!

Kyong stopped his tracks and Taeyong took the chance to pick up Kyong and walked to the door.

"Hi Taeyong~" Ten spoke with a wide smile, before going inside the house while Taeyong just looked at him quietly.

The male walked to the vase that had the blue anemone and placed in a red flower that Taeyong didn't know the name to.

"It's a red Hyacinth, if you're wondering. Let's get going now" Ten said, taking Kyong from Taeyong's arms and walking to his car.

Suddenly, Taeyong got a call from his manager which made Taeyong wonder.

Wasn't Mr. Park in a meeting right now?

"Hello, Manager-nim?"

"Ah, Taeyong.. I know this is very sudden and I haven't ever spoken to you about this but.. We're making you a rapper



"Kyong!" Jisung exclaimed as he sa ton the floor with his arms open.

The said cat ran up to him and sat on his legs.

"Jisung, this is Ten. You have probably seen him before. I'll leave the both of you be. I'll be in your bedroom." Taeyong said before speed-walking to Jisung's room.

"So you're Jisung, you're gonna debut in a group. Are you excited?"

"I guess? I'm close to a lot of the members but I heard that more members will be added and it's nice meeting you, Ten-hyung." Ten smiled ear to ear because of Jisung's words.

"You're a nice kid" He said and pat Jisung's head.

"What's wrong with Taeyong-hyung?" Jisung then asked, pointing at his own bedroom door.

"I... I don't know. All I know is he became like that after having a call with his manager and he stayed quiet the whole time after that" Jisung's eyes widened.

"Why do you seem worried? Doesn't he act like this all the time?" Ten asked

"No, Taeyong-hyung acts like a kid most of the times. He would steal my chocolate bars and play videogames with me. He talks a lot too. You could say he's annoying, but I just think he needs more love and attention" Jisung said, looking at the floor then to Kyong who was sound asleep.

Ten tilted his head. That was the opposite of what Taeyong usually acts like.

"Really? That's not like the Taeyong I know." Ten then said, looking at Jisung with curiousity.

"Then that means you don't know him at all" Ten was dumb-struck by that statement.

Jisung just shrugged with a giggle and pat Kyong's head a bit. "Doyoung-hyung once said that this cat is Taeyong's life savior" Jisung said with a small smile while looking at the cat warmly.

Wait, what does that mean?

Ten had several questions in his head.

"Who's Doyoung?"

"He's Taeyong's bestfriend and he lives with Taeyong" Jisung said with a shrug

Lives with Taeyong?

"Well, how do you feel about debuting?"

"Excited and nervous, I'v ebeen training for years and I was in a show with my grouo members"

"What's the name of the show? I'll watch it"

"Mickey mouse something, lol"

"Who even says 'lol' in real life conversations?"

"I do, lol"

"You're weird."

"You're old"

"Hey, you-"


Super short chapter, I'm so sorry :<

What do you think about this short chapter? I hope you're liking the story so far, I promise it's gonna get better.


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