(11) Miss, Miss and Miss

241 15 3

Taeyong sat on the corner of the dance studio, his eyes focused on the floor. Ten just stared, wondering what the older was thinking about.

"Hey, look at me" Ten spoke before even letting his brain process what he had said.

Taeyong did as said, slowly turning his gaze towards Ten who was on the other side of the room. Ten thought of what to do next, cursing a little in his mind. Taeyong just stared at him blankly, a lot seemed to be in his mind.

"I.. I was wondering on how Kyong is doing" Ten said with an awkward grin. Nice saying, Ten.

"He's okay I think" Taeyong answered, his gaze moving towards the floor. Think of something, think.

"Are you hungry?" Ten asked, Taeyong looked at him quickly. He thought about it for a second.

His eyes turned cold, his soft features stiffened. He should look tough, not vulnerable.

"No, thanks" Taeyong answered, standing up.

Taeyong turned on the music, dancing to their song. Ten just watched as Taeyong's body moved elegantly to the beat. He sure is a good dancer for a model.

Taeyong felt the intense stare from Ten, smirk a little bit as he purposely danced with much more feel and sexiness.

Ten felt blood rushing up his cheeks, his face turning bright red at the sight. He looked away, taking out his phone.

"Can I record you? Maybe your fans would like the little performance" Ten said, playing it off cool like he wasn't flustered at all.

Taeyong chuckled, continuing his movement. They have only learned til' the first verse. Ten recorded Taeyong's movement, getting more and more into the dance.

Ten placed his phone into a position where it shows Taeyong as he ran over next to him just right when the chorus came up.

They danced together in sync. Ten sang his lines while dancing lightly.

It was Taeyong's turn to watch at the other with amusement, his voice flowing out of his mouth smoothly.

Ten's voice so soft and smooth. The way he was so stable while dancing amused Taeyong as he stared in awe.

Ten knew Taeyong was staring so because of that, he winked at the boy making the older look away.

Ten laughed. "You're so cute" He spoke, the words slipping out of his mouth without thinking.

Ten's eyes widened, his face turning pink. Taeyong sighed, standing up.

Ten watched as Taeyong walked over to the door, opening it.

"Where are you going?" Ten asked, standing up. Taeyong didn't look back.

"I'm hungry." He said before walking out. Ten shook his head before running after the boy.



en felt his heart skip a beat when his face got close to Taeyong's.

The part where Taeyong had to crouch down a bit and Ten had to act like Taeyong was a little puppy who he had to adore.

It was just a bit awkward.

The choreographer just smiled at them, anticipating them to do it. Taeyong crouched down, their eyes meeting eachother.

Taeyong was a bit flustered by the distance of their faces. It was a bit too close for his liking.

Ten positioned his hands, one under Ten's face and one on top of the older's head.

"Just like that, great! Now we'll go from the brigde again" Ten and Taeyong spread apart, going to their positions.

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