(04) After 1 year

306 23 5

It was a nice day, Taeyong was walking to his campus with his chin up and his face emotionless.

Yes, this was Taeyong in public. Emotionless and cold.

It was a good day so far, the roads weren't that busy and today is the day Doyoung would come back from America.

Oh right, he has dyed his hair.

Ten died his hair into a minty blue colour along with Taeyong who dyed his hair into a strong red colour.

Taeyong, being quite a famous model of course put on a mask but took it off after entering the campus building.

He's now starting his master's degree and he's quite excited, he loves the university life. He used to hate studying but has learned to love it plus, it helps him no think about some things.

Ding! Ding! Ding!


Bunny 🐇💕

> I'm on the plane right now

> I'll be landing tomorrow

> Are you excited to see me?

Duh <

I've been lonely without you here <

> Doesn't seem like it

What? <

> You've been hanging out
with that Ten guy

He kept following me everywhere <

And how'd you know? <

> Paparrazi

Of course <

> The plane is about to take off

> I'll text you when I land

> Bye Yong~

By <


"uff!" Taeyong bumped into someone which resulted to his phone dropping onto the floor.

"I apologize" Taeyong said, not looking at who he bumped into and picked up his phone.

He then bowed at the person and halfway through the bow, the person spoke.

"Tae?" Taeyong froze, his heartbeat speeding up like crazy while his eyes teared up.

Get a hold of yourself, Taeyong.

He straightened his body, looking at his phone before looking up at the owner of the voice.

His eyes were stone cold, face shown no trace of emotions as he stared at Jaehyun.

"It.. It's been a long time since I've seen you" Jaehyun said, breaking the eye-contact since Taeyong's eyes were too much.

Jaehyun scanned Taeyong from head to toe and noticed some things that were different. Taeyong was really skinny, really really skinny. Has he been eating enough? His eyes no longer shown with happiness but instead shown with a lace of hatred and emptiness. Taeyong's eyes are now so dull that it seemed like no living soul lived in his eyes. Taeyong's style of clothing is no longer colorful pastel colors, but now different shades of black, grey and white.

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