(14) A Decent Day

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Taeyong walked out of his house. Yesterday was a great day.

Taeyong have been smiling the whole day. He walked out and noticed flowers infront of his house.

The flowers Ten have given to him before are there. They were healthy and it looked like they get watered everyday.

But there are some new flowers Taeyong have never seen. He crouched down, taking pictures of the flowers individually.

Each flower looked different. They were all pretty. He wondered what the name of the flowers were.

He should ask Ten.

Is he busy right now?

He gulped, standing up straight. He put on his mask, to cover half of his face.

He began walking to a nearby cafe. Taeyong doesn't go to the cafe that much since he usually spends time alone in the house.

He got some stares from people, looking at him with admiration.

"Doesn't he look like that one model?"

"Wow, he looks hot" Taeyong closed his eyes, rolling it before opening his eyes again. He didn't want to seem rude infront of the public eye.

He doesn't know what to do, he's usually busy with shooting schedules.

But since he's gonna be promoting with Ten, his manager has given him a lot of free tume to rest. He's thankful, yet the freetime makes him think too much about stuff and get bored easily.

The thought of his therapist came to mind. He's okay, he's nice. It's just Taeyong is tired of hearing that man talk about his problems and giving him labels.

He doesn't want to be labeled. He's human, just like everybody else. He walked in the cafe, taking off his mask as he walked to an empty table.

The cafe wasn't empty and it wasn't crowded either. A lot of college students were there to study and do projects. Taeyong didn't have class today and he's glad.

The thought of his parents then popped up in his mind. He misses him mom. He misses his dad aswell. He just wished they weren't so judgemental.

"Good afternoon, what can i get you today?" A waitress asked, flashing him a thin smile.

They made eye contanct, Taeyong flashed a smile aswell.

"What are your best sellers?" He asked while flipping through the pages of the menu.

"Well Strawberry Love is very popular here. Hmm, our Vanilla Latte is really good too" She said, a smile growing wider on her face.

Taeyong chuckled a bit. "I'll take the Vanilla Latte then" He said, giving the waitress the menu back.

She nod vigoriously before walking away. Taeyong sighed, stretching his arms before turning on his phone.




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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