(10) Record

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Taeyong was doing some revising with the lyrics Ten dropped off.

Taeyong decided to revise the whole song, making the concept different from the one before.

Doyoung watched Taeyong write the whole day away.

The older was in a pretty good mood after hanging with Jungwoo.

Taeyong then finished, emailing his manager and Ten the sheet alongside with the music he have sorted out. Ten was pretty surprised with the email.

Not expecting the song to be like this. It made a 180 degrees turn. He printed out the sheet.

The huge 'BABY DON'T STOP' written on the top of the paper.

Taeyong have also divided the lines. Ten read his own lines. It was okay, the lyrics were rather naughty. Ten then read Taeyong's lines. Ten couldn't wait to record this. It seemed like a really good song and with the demo of the song that Taeyong have recorded, it sounded great.

He then looked at the bottom of the paper sheet. Something written in a small font.

Dance: Ten.

Ten gulped. He would have to wait after the recording to make the choreography plus usually the choreographer is the one who has that job.


Jungwoo has been coming to the house a lot lately and Taeyong doesn't mind at all.

Jungwoo is sometimes too lively which makes him feel tired sometimes. But the boy was indeed full of love and isn't afraid to show affection.

Taeyong was now in the recording studio of the company he is under. He met with Jisung at a practice room alongside with his group members.

They were all cute, young, lively and just cheerful. And Taeyong hoped for them to stay that way.

He hoped that they wouldn't have to go through the cruleness of life.

Taeyong recorded first, reading his lines a couple of times. He then began rapping.

He felt Ten's gaze on him. It was a bit uncomfortable but he didn't want to let it look too obvious.

Ten felt his stomach do a summersault when he heard Taeyong's deep, rough voice rapping to his lines.

"Cotton, wind, blow, blouse, hair, flower, aroma, scent, cold, eyes, ice, dive, touch, warm, melt, lips" Ten and Taeyong made eye contact, making Ten choke on his own saliva.

"Ten, you okay?" The producer asked, stopping the music. Taeyong visibly smirked, watching the producer give Ten a bottle of water.

"Well, it's Ten's turn. Get in there" The producer said, patting Ten's back a bit.

Ten passed Taeyong, as he used the headphones. He sang his lines, singing over Taeyong's rap parts.

The song had a sexy, naughty vibe which made Ten feel a little hot. The producer have made some changed to the song a bit.

Ten felt his heart race, catching Taeyong's gaze on him which made him mess up his breathing.

"Let's do that part again" Mr. Bong said, turning the song again as Ten nod.

Ten tried not to look at Taeyong, trying to focus on the lyrics.

Get yourself together. Ten said in his mind.

This was just the singing. He wondered how the dance would be. Ten fumbled on his words.

"Ten, let's redo that." Mr Bong said.

Taeyong blankly stared at the floor. His mind flooded with thoughts.

Is Jaehyun doing okay?

What did he do after I said that?

Should I meet my therapist?

I hate myself.

Ten just sang his lines, glacing at Taeyong from time to time. He was worried, Taeyong looked so tired. The eyebags under his eyes, his empty gaze.

Did he get enough sleep?

Is he okay?

I hope he's okay

"Ten, do that line again with more power." Mr. Bong said, receiving Ten's attention.

"Let's focus" Mr. Bong said which was directed to Ten who needed to focus more. Ten just nods silently.




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tenlee_1001 This photo has been sitting in my gallery for a while. I forgot when I took it.

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kkim.doyoung It's been a while.

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A short chapter :( I actually plan to change the update schedule for this book but I'm still thinking about it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter which displayed how weak Ten is around Taeyong :)

Stay safe and healthy~


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