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Oh. My God.

"Wait- what did you say, Shigaraki?" I asked.

"How on earth did I fall- oh my god you did NOT just hear that."

"Oh, I think we did," Toga said, replaying a recording. Twice gave a happy gasp, and the two began to dance in circles.

"OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING!" Twice yells. I look at Shigaraki, who seems terrified.

"Did you mean what you said?" I whisper in his ear, tightening my grasp on his waist.

This causes The Dynamic Duo to screech, and start jumping up and down.

"I- uh-" Shigaraki stutters. "Y-yeah... um, yes I did... but if you didn't want to hear it then-"

"Didn't want to hear it?" I say. "Shigaraki I've been wanting to hear that for a MONTH!"

At this point, Toga's crying tears of joy, while Twice is video taping. They both have shit eating grins on their faces.

"You WHAT?!" Shigaraki said, flipping around. He was now facing me, his face red and his hands shaking. "Do you even KNOW the stress this has given me? I though I would have to leave the League!"


"Because I would die of embarrassment!"

"He did take a life," Toga reminds.

"Yeah, the life of the party," Twice finishes.

"Ouch," I say. "But oh my god, Shigaraki I had a whole confession and EVERYTHING! I had a whole OPERATION!"

"Yeah guess who helped you with that," Twice mumbled, and Toga shushed him.

"You actually planned something? I'm surprised," Shigaraki said, and laughed. I blushed, and looked away. "Aww, is Dabi embarrassed? Oh how turned the tables."

"Shit- DABI THE NOODLES!" Toga inturrupts. 

"Oh no not the noodles," Twice says.

"Crap," I mumble. "Hold up, how did you know I was cooking noodles?"


"Nevermind," I say, unwraping myself from Shigaraki, reluctantly. "Shigs come help me cook!"

"Ok..." Shigaraki replied. "But I'm warning you I could burn down the bar."

"Oh look at the time! I have to take my fish on a walk. See you later!" Twice says, grabbing Toga on his way out.

"But TWICE WE DIDN'T EVEN GET A KISSING VIDEO YETTTT-" Toga complains. Shigaraki giggles at their suffering, and continues to help me make the noodles.

"Tomura?" I ask. "I can call you that, right?"

"Well that depends. Are we dating?"

"Hmmm... I don't think so," I say. "But that's about to change. Tomura Shigaraki, will you date me?"

"Too late to say no," Shigaraki responds, leaning his head on my shoulder. I smile, and peck his cheek. "Anyway, what did you want to ask me about?"

"Why did Kurogiri make me pinky-promise to not leave you?"

"Oh... that," Shigaraki mutters. "It has to do with the acceptance test. Like you know when you joined the League? You had to take a test that put you up against your worst fears? Well, mine was no one would love me. That I was gonna be abandoned. I think that's partly from all of my foster siblings dying."

"Oh, that makes sense,"  I say. "So uh, wanna know my worst fear?"


"Mine is being alone."

"Yikes. So I guess I have to be with you at all times."

"Oh, all the time? Yes please~"

"EW DABI WHAT THE HECK-" Shigaraki said, slightly leaning away. I laughed, and peppered his neck with kisses.

-Time skip brought to you by Midoriya's notebook-

"I CALL DIBS ON FIRST BITE!" Tomura yelled, grabbing his chopsticks. 

"SWIPER NO SWIPING!" I yell, but make no move to stop him.

He snatched a couple of noodles, and slurped them up. Immediately, Shigaraki's expression morphed into one of complete surprise, followed by one of joy. He reached for more noodles, but I quickly slammed the lid on the pan preventing him from snatching more.

"Whyyy," He complained. "They were so gooooood!"

"It is a simple spell but quite unbreakable," I murmur, glancing at the lid.

"HURRICAN TORTILLA!" Twice yells, swooping in the room.

"Twice wait for meee!" Toga says, pulling out her chopsticks.

"Let me see what you have!" I start.

"A kNiFe!"

"NOO!" Twice finishes.

"Iridocyclitis!" Toga yells, and tries to take the lid off the pan. I step in front of her to protect my soba, and she pulls out an airhorn. "GET FUCKED!"

"Only if it's at the hands of Tomura," I mumble.


Twice makes some sort of unidentified wheezing noise, and Toga explodes into tiny fits of laughter.

"Do I LOOK like your dad?" Toga says, trying to steal the noodles. 

Somehow, Twice grabs ahold of Togas waist, and holds her back. It that time, I take the noodles out of the pot and stuff them into a smaller container. I take two pairs of chopsticks, and stuff this all in the bag with the poptarts. 

":0," Twice says.

"H-how did you say that out loud?" Shigaraki asks. Twice shrugs, and drapes his arm around a sulking Toga. Why was she sulking? Because she knew she wouldn't get any noodles. 

"'Mura!" I screech, grabbing his bandaged hand. I lean over and whisper, "Is this ok" in his ear.

"Y-yeah, its amazing," He replies. I smile, and intertwine our fingers. Toga squeals, and Twice starts hooting.

"What are you idiots up to now?" Kurogiri says, entering the kitchen.


Toga flicks the side of his head, and I suppress a laugh. Shigaraki gives Twice the most disappointed glare. Kurogiri rolls his eyes, and starts cleaning glasses.

"Do we even USE those glasses?" Toga asks thoughtfully.

"Not that I know of," Twice says. "Unless... KUROGIRI DO YOU GET WASTED EVERY NIGHT?!"

"What the- no!" Kurogiri defends. "How am I supposed to take care of four problem children while being drunk?"

"OH MY GOD SHIGARAKI DO YOU HAVE ANY STORIES OF DRUNK KUROGIRI?!" Toga yells. Shigaraki covers one ear with his free hand, and then shakes his head.

"If Kurogiri got tipsy, I was already wasted," He said. 

"I can sadly confirm," Kurogiri said. "Shigaraki is... how do you kids say it? Oh, lightweight."

Twice snorted out his apple juice. "Our leader can't hold a drink?!"

Shigaraki's gaze darkens. "I may not be able to hold a drink, but I can hold your throat with all five fingers."

"OKAY AND THIS IS WHERE WE TAKE OUR LEAVE!" I interrupt, trying to stop a murder. 

"FiNe," Tomura replies, giving a dismissive wave. 

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