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Jeongin walked down the school hall's with Woojin by his side. Since Chan was  busy this morning Woojin offered to walk Jeongin to his first class. Of course Jeongin stopped by his locker and pulled out his journal. "Innie." A voice yelled. Jeongin peeked out from behind his locker door to see Felix walking over. "Hey..where's jisung?" Jeongin asked Felix who simply gave him a smile. "He's a bit busy this morning." Felix said as he opened his locker. Woojin sighed and shook his head.

"I swear trouble follows that boy." He grumbled. Jeongin giggled and shut his locker. Felix handed Jeongin a Strawberry milk sticker and said a good bye before walking back down the hall. "Another sticker." Jeongin said happily as he put it on his journal, that already had three other different stickers.

"Well this is my class Hyung i'll see you later" Jeongin said as he waved goodbye and headed into class. He sat down in one of the middle spots where he always sat and waited for the teacher to start class. Jeongin wrote down the important things and spaced out when the teacher talked about boring things.

 He didn't really know anyone in this class since he wasn't really good at making friends so he just stuck with the one's he already had. Unfortunately they only had afternoon classes with each other which meant he was alone for half the day with no one to talk to. When the bell rang Jeongin grabbed his things and walked to his next class, his favorite class actually since Minho was in that class. He didn't really know minho that well, but they talked during class since the teacher didn't care what they did.

Minho had a crush on Jisung he had told Jeongin a while ago. Jisung wanted Jeongin to stay away from Minho, Jeongin wasn't sure why but he knew that jisung hated Minho. But minho kept him out of trouble which was a good thing since it seemed to follow jisung where ever he went. "Minho Hyung." Jeongin said catching the attention of the older who smiled at him. He sat down next to Minho and pulled out his phone.

 "So did Jisung get into trouble this morning." Jeongin asked. Minho sighed and nodded. "Yeah got into an argument with some guy." Minho said, Jeongin nodded and scrolled on Instagram. Minho watched as the younger scrolled through pictures. Even though he didn't have a crush on Jeongin he couldn't deny that the boy was adorable. He'd hate himself if anything ever happened to Jeongin, he felt like his older brother even though he wasn't.

"Hey Minho are you going to eat with us at lunch?" Jeongin asked as he looked at Minho who blinked. "Yeah, I have to protect Jisung after all." He said with a smirk. "Alright class listen up" The teacher said as he walked to the front board. "A performance show will be held in a few weeks, anyone is welcomed to preform if your interested the papers are in the desk. That's all the teacher said." Before sitting back down at  his desk. Jeongin looked at Minho who stood up and grabbed a paper before sitting back down. "What's it say." Jeongin asked curiously. "They'll be a performance show. Its local so people from town will be able to come to. There's going to be food as well has petting zoo's and other stuff along those lines." Minho said as he read the paper. "Ah, there except group performance's and solo as well." Minho said as he looked from the paper.

"Sounds interesting."


Jeongin walked into the cafeteria and headed to the table he always sat at. "Innie." Felix said as he pulled Jeongin down to sit next to him. "We have to do this." Felix said slamming the paper down on the table. Everyone looked down at the paper and then at Felix. "You want us to preform." Woojin asked, Felix nodded. "Yeah we could make are own group and give it a name" Felix said cheerfully. Chan sighed and pulled out a journal. "Felix we can't just make a group, we'll have to have a place to practice and if you haven't read the full paper, this is a competition. If people like you, or your group they move you up to preform again in some other place against other people or groups." Chan said pointing at the paper. Felix frowned and sat back down.

"Stop following me its creepy" A voice said. Jeongin looked up to see jisung with Minho right  behind them. "What are we talking about." Jisung said as he sat down. Felix looked at Jisung and smiled. "Where going to make a group and do a competition." Felix said with a grin. Chan sighed while Woojin shook his head. "It can't be that hard." Felix said.

Chan opened his notebook and picked up his pen. "Alright then, first we need members and a place to practice. We'll also need to make are own songs and come up with choreography. Then there's other things like stage outfits and snack and food that we'll have to provide for our selves. Then there's the fact none of us have ever had vocal training beside me and woojin and the only one who can really dance here is you Felix, so this is a lot of work to have done and we only have well barley a month." Chan said looking at Felix who groaned. Jeongin patted Felix on the back and pulled out his lunch. 

"Well you know how to produce songs so we can already mark that off and if we all get a part time job and come up with a schedule for everything. Now we just need a place to practice and the equipment."  Jisung said as he broke his chop sticks apart. "I might be able to do something about that, along with recruiting more people. Is there any place we can meet up after school." Minho asked. Woojin ripped a piece of paper out of Chan's journal and wrote down an address. "Here this is the place me and Jeongin work at. Its at Cafe, not many people come there so its a quiet place." Woojin said handing minho the paper. "Alright. See you there."

Time skip~

Jeongin walked down the street with Woojin. They where heading to work as they always did after school. "Hyung do you think we can really pull this off." Jeongin asked woojin who sighed. "I don't really know, but if we try hard enough then I'm sure we can do it." Woojin said ruffling Jeongins hair. 

They walked into the Cafe and switched out with the other two workers. The cafe wasn't occupied until two noisy idoits entered. "Where Here." Felix yelled, making Woojin sigh. Felix walked over to the counter and took a seat. "I thought this was a Cafe whats with the bar like counter." Felix asked as he looked at the menu. "The owners thought it was creative." Woojin said as he made himself a drink. Jisung sat down and watched as Woojin made the coffee. 

Jeongin was doing his homework trying to solve math equations. He wasn't to sure about the whole performance thing. He never really done anything like it much less sing or dance in front of others. He didn't even know if he could even dance, Chan always said his voice was beautiful and he should sing more, but Jeongin never took it seriously. "Whats up" Chan said as he entered the Cafe with Felix's boyfriend Changbin, who sat next to Felix. Not long after Minho arrived with two other boy's behind him. Jeongin put away his homework and put on his work apron. "Innie can I have a Frappe please~" Felix said with a smile, Jeongin sighed and grabbed a cup. "Oh and make me an Ice americano" Jisung said looking up at Jeongin, who narrowed his eyes.

"You know this isn't free right you still have to pay." Jeongin said as he got to making the drinks. Minho took a seat next to Jisung who rolled his eye's. The two other boy's sat across from where Jeongin was making the drinks. "Is this everyone" Woojin asked as he sat down behind the counter. "Yes. These two are Seungmin and Hyunjin." Minho said pointing at each boy as he said there names. Jeongin looked at the blond boy who held a sweet smile, he had seen him before at school, they had a class together they didn't talk though. "Alright so I suppose you've told them everything." Chan said with a raised brow. Minho nodded. 

"They've agreed to join the group." Minho said. Felix smiled and slammed his hands down on the table. "Alright now we have more member so what now" Felix said looking over at Chan who was pulling out his journal. He flipped through the pages until he got to a certain one. Jeongin handed Felix and jisung there drinks and leaned over the counter looking at the page. "We need to name are group and need a practice place." Chan said looking at the page. 

" A name. How about Sun-kiss." Felix said. "What The Kind Of Name Is That." Jisung yelled at Felix who shrugged. 

"No it had to be more meaningful." Seungmin said looking at Felix who nodded. "How about lost Kids." Minho said looking at Chan who hummed a response. 

"Wait. What about Stray Kids." Felix said. Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright Stray Kids it is."

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