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"Eomma wants us home Jeonginnie." Chan said as he looked at the younger who pouted. "Hyung." He whined as he looked at the older boy.

"I want to stay for a bit longer and go on some rides."

"I can drop him off later." Hyunjin said with a smile as he looked at Chan who nodded. "Make sure your home before 11 alright."

Jeongin nodded and pulled Hyunjin toward the games and rides. "He's whipped." Changbin chuckled as he looked at Hyunjin, Chan hummed in agreement watching as the two boy's went to buy tickets.

Hyunjin payed for the tickets for the rides smiling everytime Jeongin gave him his adorable smile that flashed his braces and showed his dimples. They ended up going on two rides before Jeongin got tired and ran out of energy. Hyunjin let the boy get on his back and carried him to the car.

"Hyungie." Jeongin mumbled his eyes half lidded as they fought to be closed with how tired he was. "Yes?" Hyunjin asked as he carried the younger. Jeongin pursed his lips a bit, his arms lazily around Hyunjin's neck as he yawned. "Do you like me?" He asked resting his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. The older blinked, not expecting the question from Jeongin who wasn't at all fazed. "Well." He said clearing his throat before looking ahead at the dark sky.

"Your a likeable person." He said awkwardly, not sure how to answer the boys question.

"Hyung you know what?" Jeongin said as his eyes fluttered shut.

"I think I like you. More than a friend." He said softly. Hyunjin stopped walking a tensed up not sure how to process the younger boys confession. "Jeongin?" He said, but got no response. The boy on his back was now fast asleep, his soft breathing being the only audible thing Hyunjin was hearing.

With a sigh he unlocked his car setting Jeongin in the front seat buckling the boy up before getting in himself.

He drove to Jeongin's house letting the boy sleep for the ride there until waking him once they arrived. "Thanks Hyung." Jeongin said softly as he grabbed his stuff still half asleep as he opened the car door and stepped out.

"See you at school."

Hyunjin smiled and nodded watching Jeongin walk up to the door before opening it and walking inside before leaving.

Arriving back at his place Hyunjin sighed as he set down his keys his face flushing red as the younger boys words kept repeating in his head like a mantra. Now he didn't have to worry about Jeongin not liking him back. Groaning he sat down on the couch stuffing his face in a pillow.


Jeongin sleepily walked upstairs yawning as he laid down on the bed, tired and worn out.

Getting up he changed clothes before getting into bed and falling asleep.

Through out the night he had trouble falling asleep, often waking up and staring at the ceiling or wall until feeling tired, but not being able to fully fall asleep again. Whining Jeongin turned over again closing his eyes but letting out a frustrated sigh when he couldn't fall asleep. Lately he had been having sleeping problems since Jihoon came back m, sighing he reached over and grabbed his phone scrolling through Instagram until he got a message from an unknown number.

Hey Jeongin its me Daewhi÷&!;!*×[

I thought you where
some murder

What? Never mind.
Whats with you and that
Hyunjin guy???😏

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