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"That's it." Chan said as he grabbed a water bottle. Everyone was just about out of breath well except the dancer's who looked like they where having the time's of there lives. Jeongin sat down on the floor with a now empty water in hand. "Let's take a break." Seungmin said as he stood up from the couch and turned on the air. Felix was already practicing again with Minho while just about everyone else was tired and Hyunjin was yet to show up.

"Wasn't he suppose to here 20 minutes ago." Jisung asked as he wiped his sweat away with a towel. Minho stopped and nodded as he picked up his phone. "What do you think he's doing?" Felix asked as he looked back at Minho and seungmin who both shrugged. Minho sighed and grabbed his key's. "Who want's to go?" He asked looking back, Jeongin stood up and grabbed his his jacket. "I'll go." He said as he followed Minho out of the practice room. They walked out of the building and to Minho's car. "So what do you think he's doing?" Jeongin asked as he got in, Minho sighed and looked at his phone. "I don't know, but I can see where he's at." Minho said as he started the car. 

They tracked Hyunjin's phone and ended up at a cafe, not far from the studio. "Why would he be here." Jeongin asked as he looked at the cafe. "Lets find out." Minho said as he parked the car. They both got out and walked into the cafe. Minho and Jeongin spotted Hyunjin, at a table with the girl from the other day at lunch. "Ah, he's on a date we shouldn't interrupt Hyung." Jeongin said looking at Minho who only hummed in response, but instead of walking out of the cafe. Minho looked at Jeongin. "Is there anything you would like it's on me." Minho said as he walked up to the counter completely ignoring the fact Hyunjin was in a booth right next to the counter. 

"A hot coco with whip cream would be nice." Jeongin said as he looked at Minho who nodded. "Alright hot coco with extra whip cream." He said as he looked at the menu. Jeongin blinked, but didn't say anything. Minho ordered once the girl came back to the register. "What would you like?" She asked looking at Minho who looked at her. "A mocha and a hot chocolate with extra whip cream." He said looking at the girl who nodded and smiled, she looked at Jeongin and gave the younger a complement on how cute he looked, causing the younger to blush.

They waited a few minutes for there drinks and once they got them. Once they where out of the cafe they where stopped by a familiar voice calling there name's. They turned around to see Hyunjin with the girl. "Sorry I couldn't make it to practice. Jiwoo these are my friends minho and Jeongin." Hyunjin said as he smiled at the two. Minho gave Jiwoo a bored look, while Jeongin gave a small smile. "I was talking with her and she said she would like to be are manager." Hyunjin said with a smile. Minho gave a lazy smirk as he threw his arm over Jeongin's shoulder. "Sounds good, but you should probably discuss that with Chan. It was nice meeting you, but I promised Jeongin we would watch a movie later." Minho said as he brushed his fingers along the younger's collarbone when he pulled his arm back.

Jeongin was to innocent to catch the act and just thought of it normally. However Hyunjin had caught it and bit the inside of his cheek. "Come on innie." Minho said as he turned around, Jeongin nodded and looked at Hyunjin. "By Hyung have fun." He said with a soft smile before turning and following Minho was still held a small smirk, satisfied with his friends reaction. "So are we really going to watch a movie?" Jeongin asked as he got into the car, Minho shrugged and looked at the younger. "If you want." He said as he started the car. 

"No it's ok I wouldn't want to ruin your fun time with Jisung." Jeongin said as he buckled up. Minho choked on his drink and looked at Jeongin with wide eye's. "We taught you to say that." Minho said looking at the innocent Jeongin. "That's what Felix Hyung say's when you and Jisung are hanging out." Jeongin said as he pulled out his phone. Minho groaned, he was gonna have a talk with Felix after this.

When they arrived back at the Studio Minho went to find Felix while Jeongin headed his and Hyunjin's practice room. He walked in shutting the door behind him. He took a sigh before sitting down on the couch, he was sore from all the practicing they had been doing. Tomorrow was there last day for practice and then they would have to preform. 

Just as Jeongin stood up and grabbed his stuff, he was tired and ready to go home. He turned off the practice room light's and walked down the hall. "Chan?" Jeongin said as he opened the studio door. "Yes?" Chan asked as he turned to look at the younger. "Um c-can we go home i'm really tired." Jeongin said looking at Chan who nodded and tossed him the key's. "You can go ahead and start the car i'll be there in a second." Chan said looking at Jeongin who nodded and headed to the car. He unlocked it and turned on the ignition before turning on the radio.

Jeongin had sat there for a good 20 minutes until Chan finally decided to show up. The ride home was quiet for the both of them neither of them said a word until Jeongin broke the silence. " do you know you like someone?" Jeongin asked softly, Chan looked at the younger and a small smile formed on his face. "Do you like someone Innie?" 

"W-well no but I just wanted to know." Jeongin said with a small blush across his face. Chan chuckled and looked at the road. "Well..that depends on the person and how you feel towards them I guess. Sometime's you feel butterfly's in your stomach when they do something cute, you start to notice all the little thing's they do and when your around them you do I put, like your at home I guess." Chan said, Jeongin nodded and took everything in very carefully. " that how you feel with Woojinnie Hyung" Jeongin asked.

Chan smiled a little and nodded. 

Once they got home Jeongin went straight to bed. To tired to eat dinner.

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