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Jeongin was walking into first period. He sat down in his regular spot and pulled out his notes. He waited for the teacher to start class as always.  A backpack was set on the desk next to him and someone sat down. Jeongin recognized him it was the other boy from yesterday. Hyunjin or at least that's what he heard he wasn't actually to sure if that was his name. 

"Alright had everyone found there seats." The teacher said as he walked up to the board.

"I'll take that as a yes. Today we'll be doing something a bit different, since some of you are having trouble with your assignments I've decided to let you work in partners on your assignments. Now its best if you get to work." The teacher said. People started to move around the classroom finding partners. To jeongin it really didn't matter even though he was struggling a bit and it would be helpful to have some help. Unfortunately he didn't even know anyone in his class. "Hyunjin Oppa will you be my partner~" A girl asked as she looked at Hyunjin. Jeongin payed no attention and kept trying to do his work. "Sorry I actually already have a partner." Hyunjin said as he pulled a chair up to Jeongins desk. The younger looked up and furrowed his brows. "Oh. Alright," The girl said as he turned around and walked away.

"So do you need any help." Hyunjin asked looking at Jeongins paper. "No." Jeongin mumble as he tried to solve the problem. "You doing it backwards you know" Hyunjin said as he pointed at Jeongins work, Jeongins face turned red from embarrassment as he looked down at the problem.

"Here let me show you." Hyunjin said taking the pencil from jeongin. He explained the problem fully through step-by-step glancing up at Jeongin every few seconds to check if the younger understood. "So then the answer would be...five?" Jeongin slowly asked. Hyunjin nodded and gave the boy a smile. He explained another one to Jeongin before letting him try. Hyunjin corrected the mistakes the boy made making sure he wouldn't make them again.

As Jeongin worked on a problem by himself. Hyunjin stared at the boy before him.  He looked him up and down before looking back at his adorable face. "Is this right?" Jeongin asked looking at Hyunjin who snapped out of the trance. "U-Uh....Yeah." Hyunjin said looking the problem over. A smile found itself on Jeongins face and he quickly started to do another one. Hyunjin found himself wanting to see that adorable smile again.

"Hyung we should pack up the bell is going to ring soon" Jeongin said as he put away his stuff. Hyunjin looked at jeongin before nodding and packing his things. When the bell rang Hyunjin found himself watching the boy walk the opposite way down the hall. Something about Jeongin interested him, but he wasn't sure what that something was.



Lunch had finally came around Jeongin walked into the cafeteria and sat down at the table. Jisung was already there, but he was to busy yelling at Minho to notice Jeongin sat down. With a sigh Jeongin waited for the other's to show up. Woojin was the next to show up, he sat down by Jeongin who smiled. "Where's Chan." Jeongin asked, it was weird to see Woojin walk into lunch without Chan since they always came together. "I don't know." Woojin mumbled. Jeongin was confused, but he didn't ask any questions and instead waited for Felix.

"Hyunjin you decided to show up." Minho said. Jeongin looked over to see the same boy who helped him in his first period. He sat down next to Jeongin and started to chat with Minho,Jeongin didn't think to much of it and pulled out his lunch to hungry to wait for everyone to arrive. "Whats Up Fuckers" Felix yelled and he sat down with Changbin who chuckled.

"Hey where's Chan." Felix asked as he looked at Me. I shrugged and broke apart my chop sticks. 

"Well anyway I found a place where we can practice. My aunt owns an old ballet studio, she said that we could use it, but it need's some cleaning done. It also has a kitchen that works, so we can make are own food." Felix said as he stuffed his face with his food. "Alright so when can we go." Jisung asked Felix who swallowed his food. "Since today is Friday we can go after school and stay late to clean it up."

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