
726 22 1

"You okay Innie?" Chan asked as he parked the car. The younger boy smiled and nodded before getting out. Jeongin was rather quiet today and it was concerning Chan.

"Hey guys." Seungmin said as he joined Chan and Jeongin who where walking into the building. "Jisung said that Jimin wants us to get are clothes tomorrow so we can make sure there okay before the preformance." Seungmin said as he looked over at Jeongin who nodded. "You okay? You look a little pale today." Seungmin said as he rested a hand on Jeongins forehead to see if the younger was sick.

"I'm fine." Jeongin said as he removed the hand and gave a small smile. Seungmin's brows furrowed as he watched the younger quickly walk down the hall. Confused with why he was acting this way.

Jeongin rushed to class, looking for Hyunjin along the way. Today he was eager to see the other boy, he didn't want to be alone, just in case.

"Ah, Jeongin. How long has if been." A voice asked as Jeongin felt someone throw an arm around his shoulder. Fear spread out through Jeongins body, flinching when he felt them get closer. "P-please get away Jihoon." He said as clam as he could, but failing as his voice cracked. He tried to get away from the other boy, but failed miserably.

"Aw, come on Jeonginnie didn't you miss me." Jihoon said with a dark laugh. The boy lifted a hand and Jeongin's eyes widened as he flinched expecting to be hit. Though instead and he was pulled aside as he felt an arm around his waist holding him tight.

"What are you doing?" A familiar voice asked, pissed at what was happening. Jeongin looked up at see Hyunjin who was looking at Jihoon who looked confused, but quickly played it off with a laugh and smile.

"I'm Jihoon, Jeongin's boyfriend."

Jeongin's eyes widened as he looked at Jihoon was had a sly smirk on his face. A scoff came from Hyunjin as he held Jeongin closer. "I don't know what you playing at, but if you ever get close to Jeongin. I won't hesitate to beat in that pretty face of yours."Hyunjin threated as he gave a dark look to Jihoon who flinched. "Come on." Hyunjin growled as he pulled Jeongin down the hall.

Hyunjin was do lost in thought that he didn't here Jeongin's soft pleas until a small sob and sniffle snapped him out of his train of thought. He turned around to see Jeongin crying, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Hyunjins eyes widened as he quickly took the younger to the nearest bathroom, shutting the door and locking it before turning back to Jeongin. "No no no, please don't cry Innie." Hyunjin panicked as tears kept falling from the boys fox like eyes. Gently Hyunjin cupped the boys cheeks and kissed the tears away. "Please don't cry." Hyunjin whispered as he brushed away a tear with his thumb.

Jeongin's cheeks tinted a soft pink as Hyunjin placed gently kisses on his cheeks and wiped away his tears. "I wanna go home Jinnie." Jeongin said through sobs and hiccups. Hyunjin bit his lip as he ran his hands through his hair.

Chan was gonna kill him for this.

"Alright come on." Hyunjin said as he grabbed Jeongin's backpack for the boy who walked along side the older boy.


"Sungie you can't go." Felix said as he pouted to the boy who sighed.

"Felix, this is better for all of us." Jisung mumbled as he continued to work on his notes. The freckled boy next to him frowning. "Does Minho know about this?" Felix asked, Jisung visibly tensing at the question.

"No. Minho doesn't need to know." Jisung said as he shut his note book and gathered his stuff. Both Felix and Jisung knew that if Minho found out Jisung was going back to Malaysia he would certainly keep the younger boy from leaving in any way possible. Of course it was Jisungs choice, he didn't want his friends to keep seeing him get hurt. So he thought it better to leave and rid them of there worry.

Jisung left the classroom needing a break from the loud environment. Jisung let out deep breath as he walked down the quiet hallway.

Before the squirrel boy could react. He was grabbed and pinned to the nearest wall. "What The–" he yelled, but before he could do anything else. He locked eyes with a pair of familiar brown ones. His breath hitched as he came face to face with Minho who held a small smirk.
"What is it Sungie, finally swept away by my looks." Minho said teasingly.

Jisungs brows furrowed as he scoffed and pushed the older boy away from him. "Leave me alone asshole." Jisung said as he started to walk back down the hall. Making Minho furrow his brows at his behavior.

Jisung was stopped again, but rather than being pinned to the wall a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. "Don't be mad Hannie. I'm sorry." Minho mumbled pushing his pride out the door when he realized how upset Jisung really was. Hannie. That was a nickname Minho had given Jisung back in middle school and even though Jisung would never admit it, he loved the name. Jisung slowly moved his hands to where Minho's interlocked in front of him.

"Let me go Minho."

Please hold me closer.

"I need to go."

Don't leave me please.

"And what if I don't want to?" Minho asked as he rested his chin on Jisungs shoulder.

"You have to." Jisung mumbled as unattached Minho's hands and escaped his embrace, leaving the older to watch him walk down the empty hall.

I'm sorry.

This is whats best...


"I don't know what I fucking did." Minho said as he ran his hands through his hair gripping it before letting it go. He had spilled everything to Changbin who was listening to everything Minho had to say.

What had he done to make Jisung so distant. How was he suppose to get his hannie back.

Changbin knew what was happening, he knew what was going on with Jisung and why the younger was being so distant. Felix would beat his ass for sure after this, but he couldn't just watch Minho suffer like this.

"Am I not enough. How the hell am I going to make it up to Jisung. What if he doesn—" Minho was cut short by Changbin who looked at him with a sigh.

"Minho, Jisung's going back to Malaysia."

Minho's eyes widened, silence filling the room. Not knowing how to take the information in.

I'm so sorry Hannie.

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