Skeeter's Gossip Column

414 21 38

•This book was going to have no bashing. But... I like how it turned out.

•At first I was going to have Arthur support Molly but then I was like nevermind. Rubber ducks.

•I was going to write a scene between Pansy and Luna in which Luna speaks Mandarin, and Pansy is like Hot. Hot. Hot Hot Hot Hot.


Me: *Google translates something cute and romantic in Mandarin*

People who don't speak Mandarin, looking at the text: Awww, that's so sweet!

Chinese: ...plague yellow monkey????

Me: skskskskskksks *yeets self out of the window*

•People who are confused about who is bottom or top. They switch. Harry does top in the last scene.

• I wanted to include Goyle a lot as well but I just... couldn't be bothered.

*Makes Goyle skip into the sunset with Hufflepuffs*

• I wanted to make the book longer but eh... I'm lazy? I think that's a fair enough excuse.

• I tried writing smut and after 3 lines I knew I couldn't do it anymore.

•Malfoys had a TV at their house after the war.

If you have any questions for me and the characters, let me know what you want to ask. ÚwÙ. I'll make them all answer.

*Forcefully shoves all of them together*

Lucius : I didn't agree to this.

Me: I'll take away all your hair products.

Lucius: I'll answer to everything.

Me: Good boi. *Pets the glaring Lucius aggressively*

Q.1. Does Lucius use Sleekeazy's Hair Potion?

Lucius : Of course I do. *Flips hair*

Me: *smiles encouragingly*

Lucius : But that's not my conditioner.

Me: huh

Q.2. What kind of hair products does Lucius use?

Me: Go ahead answer them!

Lucius : *glaring at me* hair gel, Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, Shampoo, gloss potion and my secret conditioner.

Me: why is it a secret?

Lucius : *throws a spoon at me and walks out*

Me: *rubs head* Alright that's rude and that bitch fucking hurt you motherfucker. Hey! I'm talking to you where are you going!? Hey come back! *Runs after Lucy*

Q.3. Where did Arthur go after divorce? (This one is from Meg)

Arthur : I've been living with Severus, it's very kind of him.

Me: *raises a questioning eyebrow at Sevy* is it now?

Severus: I don't mind him staying.

Everyone: *stares at Snape*

Arthur: he's really soft spoken and tends to everything. It's a blessing living with him.

Ron: *dies chocking on air and heart attack*

Pansy: *exchanges galleons with Hermione*

Sirius : Hagrid's butt hair! They are clapping cheeks Remus!

Remus: I'm disgusted in you right now. But yes it seems so.

Ron: *dies again*

Gred and Forge:*calculates the money they will be winning*

Arthur : I- it's not. That's not what's happening! I swear on Merlin!

Severus: *mumbling under his breath* you were swearing on Merlin last night as well, as I-

Arthur : *blushes red* Yeah okay, we are leaving now! I've some rubber ducks to research on. *Grabs Sevy and disapparates*

Me: *looks at everyone's shocked faces* well so something happened here...

Q.4. Did drarry have kids?

Draco: *smiles and wraps his hand around Harry's waist*

Harry: *grins and kisses Draco's cheeks*

Draco: We did.

Harry: Triplets actually.

May: Dad! Father! Albus and Scorpus killed the fishes with peanut butter biscuits. Again! And Jamie is trying to grab the fishes!

Draco: This is why I tell you Luna's son Scorpus is a bad influence

Harry: *remembers that Sirius told him his own father did the same thing* it's probably ours.

Me: *sips tea in the corner*

Q.5. What conditioner does Lucy use?

Lucius: *glares through screen*

Twins, Harry, Voldy and everyone else: *waits biting nails*

Lucius: I don't wanna tell them

Me: that's not up to you

Lucius: *glares at me*

Me: *panic intensifies*

Lucius: fine I will. Kevis 8

Harry: *quickly googles it*

Voldy: *looks at the price on Harry's phone*

Voldy: *snatches the phone*

Voldy: * googles 'how to sell kidney as a ghost'*

Me: why would you buy that? It's so expensive!

Lucius: because I'm worth it

Twins: *whistle in background*

Me: it doesn't even have that good of a smell

Lucius: remember the feel of your hair the first time you used it. Remember the texture, the smoothness. Remember it.

Me: I also remember my pocket bleeding for months later on. I'll starve to death if I buy it again.

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