The audition ♡

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It's today! I'm so nervous but I think I'll do fine. Anyways Mark and I left so the others don't think I was lying abt the tour guide. When we got there my heart was out of my chest already. I signed up and went to take a seat.

M - hey it going to be ok. *he said holding my hand and intertwining out fingers*
L - Idk what I would do without u

- skip 30 minutes -

L - lady
P - producer
PA - producer assistant

L - umm... Lisandra Gregg
L - oh that's me

I got up

M - good luck *he said kissing my cheek almost my lips but not*
L - thx

I followed the lady. While I was walking I was thinking abt Mark. Why did he kissed my cheek so close to my lips. Maybe he didn't even see it or meant it. Anyways we got to the room and they were going to ask me some questions before.

PA - good morning miss
L - Gregg, Lisandra Gregg
PA - so we are going to ask you some questions and we need ur honest answers miss Gregg.
L - ok
P - if you were to start this job. Would u have any objections?
L - no I would not
P - do u have any male close to u that would be jealous or mad at u if do any dirty scenes?

That question was unexpected. But ik they don't want any crazy male processing them. I have Mark but he wouldn't mind. But I also have Jaden... not that I'm worried or anything but he likes me and idk how he would react.

L - no I don't sir
P - good u may start

I set my things down and I start doing one of my favorite scenes of  TVD (the vampire diaries)

A/n Liz is just going to be Elena's part and the producer assistant is going to do Demon's part. Btw is the "because I love u, then stop loving me scene". Season 5 episode 16.

L - you screwed up, Demon. Again.
PA - thank you.
L - you put me in a position where I have to defend you, again.
L - where I have to bend my morals again.
L - where I have to go against every single thing that I believe in, again.
L - because I love you
PA - then stop loving me
L - I can't
PA - well, that's the problem! We don't work
L - I know...
PA - and we agree... this has to end...
L - it's just uh... we're over...

And with that I was done. I was almost sobbing by how the scene was.

PA - umm... Kam please bring him in.

By the time she called Kam the front lady. I was questioning who was him? The suspense ended when I saw...


everyone left the house already there was only me. I was driving down to the audition as fast as I could. Those ppl wouldn't leave I'm almost late. And being late is a bad thing. Well anyways I made it 15 minutes before it started luckily. I entered trough the back doors since I was late. Kam the front lady was nice enough to not tell on me. She brought me to a room where the first girl was. It was chill they didn't ask me to do anything extreme. Luckily I didn't have to kiss her since the scene she brought didn't have a kissing. We took some pictures and she was done. I then went to the room Kam brought me previously. I waited abt 10 minutes until Kam called me again. When I walked in I saw...
A/n the suspense I love it

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