First day ♡

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These past days we have been chilling. We went out yesterday. And if I tell u I bought a lot of stuff u wouldn't believe me. But trust me I did. Don't blame me there's a long time that I don't go out. Anyways tmr is when I meet the cast members!!! And recordings start. I'm so ready.

And currently I'm on a girls night.

Ad - so Liz how are things with Jaden?!?
L - well we're 'talking'
Tg - umm talking *they said teasing me*
L - oh shut up. How are things with Bryce?!?
Ad - normal
Tg - umm normal *we said teasing*

The rest of the night was chill. They went to sleep and as usual I'm the last one.

• i - massage •

Who can possibly be texting me at 3 in the morning

i - massage
Rockstar 🎸

J - hey u still up?

L - yea y?

J - I'm bored

L - oh well gn

J - *gasp* how dare u

L - huh?

J - I want to talk

L - ok what's up

J - the sky

L - ok gn

J - no I was playing

L - ik dumbass

J - jerk
J - anyways I miss u

L - miss u too

J - tmr is a big day

L - u mean td

J - oh yea right shit

L - ok now we have
to sleep
otherwise we'll
be late tmr
or should I say td

J - yea ur right and
u should say td

L - lol goodnight 💤

J - goodnight 🌙


The next morning

Ok now I'm almost at the studio. The schedule for td is basically just getting to know each other. So it pretty chill. Oh did I mention that I have a car now! Yea I kinda bought a car that day too. I swear next time I go shopping I won't spend all my money.

As I step in the studio I see a tall black haired boy. Who could it possibly be. I tried not to make any noise.

L - boo
J - ahh Liz u scared me
L - ik

He hugged me and we went to where everyone was at...

P (producer)
Pa (producer assistant)

P - so guys glad u all made it. I have a feeling this movie will be a Emmy award winning.
Pa - so get to know each other will be our exercise td. We all know Jaden. Who will be playing the main role of Zayn (a/n I love this name so much!!!) and we all know Lisandra who will be playing the lovers role of Ayla.

The producer assistant started to introduce some ppl and blah blah blah.

P - now a exercise. Basically Krysti (the producer assistant) will partner u up with someone. And by Saturday I want a paragraph of what you've learned with that person. Do I make my self clear?
Everyone - yes sir

Pa - ok now I have everyone's name in this hat and I'll pull them out.

Pa - ok first up Olivia. And ur going to be working with...

Pa - Jaden
L - great *i muttered*

This Olivia girl is so pretty. She has brown hair. Brown eyes. She extremely skinny like how. And I was hearing her sing when we took a break and she's awesome. Ahhh

Pa - ok last ones Liz and Joshua. So as Conner (the producer) said Saturday you guys need a paragraph of what you've learned with that person. So y'all are free to go and you do you. 2 days guys bye bye.

Joshua basset - 19
Olívia Rodriguez - 18

Jaden came up to be and hugged me. Now is a loose hug so I can see his face and he can see mines.

J - agr I wanted to be with U so bad!!!
L - me too
?? - excuse me

As I looked to my right I saw brunette next to us

O - (Olivia)

O - umm hi, I'm Olivia. I believe ur my partner...

She said as she looked at Jaden. He nods

J - oh yes right, I'm Jaden
L - I'm Liz nice to meet you
O - Nice to meet u guys
J - so I'm guessing ur here so we can talk abt the work
O - yea... how can I contact you?
J - heres my phone number

As Jaden and Olivia shared phone numbers and talked a bit abt their work a boy came up to me

?? - um hey I'm Joshua ur partner
L - hi I'm Liz nice to meet u

Jb (not Justin Bieber, it's Joshua Basset)

Jb - Nice to meet u too


And just like that. The love birds turned their backs to each other. Each other talking to someone different.

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