Oh my Hair!

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as I left the cafe, I went straight to the salon where Jaden is at. I wonder what he's planning to do. I mean is Jaden and Jaden is full of surprises. 


- Sunday, 3:29 p.m. -

- salon -

L : hey...

I said while getting in and seeing Jaden on a chair with his head on tin foil. WHAT THE FUCK! anyways I stood besides him while looking at him trough the mirrow.

J : hey, well what do you think?

L : what are you doing?

J : you know, dying my hair 

L : tf! what color?

J : blond, ta da!

I laughed at how dumb and cute he's being.

L : your so dumb

J : hey why don't you get your hair done? I can get them to do it now, while you wait for me

I thought about it. and I mean I wouldn't min, I've been thinking about doing some change in me, so I guess...

L : sure...

J : really? Yes! alright, hey Megan could you please get someone to do Liz's hair too? is on me.

L : no no no, it's on me

J : oh come on, I gave the idea so, it's on me

he smile and I smiled back, ahhhh 

L : alright then, i guess you can pay. THIS TIME! alright?

J : alright

Mg (Megan) : ok, Jaylyn will take care of you Liz.

L : thank you

as Jaylyn started doing my hair, Jaden and I talked for the whole process. 

- skip 3 hours -

J : alright! ready?

L : ready!

J : ta da

said Jaden while jumping out of the curtains while I see his hair. it looks amazing!

L : ahhhhh!!! it looks amazing!

J : what can I say, i make everything thing look amazing!

L : haha, how funny, and no Megan made it look amazing

J : yea... thanks Megan

Mg : np

J : how much longer?

Ja (Jaylyn) : 30 minutes, I just have to blow dry her hair.

J : alright, I'll wait on the sofa's 

L : ok

- 30 minutes later - 

L : Jaden, I'm ready!

J : ok come out

I got my hair dyed blond but with some brown in it so it can look "natural" according to Jaylyn, and it does look really natural, and Jaylyn curled the tips. oh and I also got my make up done, yay! 

as I come out Jaden's smile dissapears and his mouth drops!

L : do you like it?


L : Jaden?

J : w-what? if I like it? you have to be kidding me! I love it! Liz you look... you look spectacular!

L : awww! thank you! what can I say, I make everything look spectacular!

J : haha, wrong, Jaylyn made you look spectacular

L : yea... thank you Jaylyn

J : but your also right! you make everything look, beautiful, amazing, perfect, spectacular, and more...

L : awww come here

I give him a hug.

we pay- Jaden pays. i wish he could let me pay for once. anyways we leave the salon and we go to my apt. when we got there we spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies, and Jaden made me make a tik tok account. idk if that's what's it called but yea. the only socials I have are Instagram and Twitter, well I also have Facebook but only to thank family members for the birthday wishes and to sign in to games and etc... and this app is actually kinda fun. so we did one on his account, which was promoting his new single, Comatose. oh yea his releasing that, yea he told us at the restaurant. cool right! and we also did one dancing. he told me to copy him and I did and it was a catastrophe. but a fun one. and we did a lip-sync one for my tik tok. i've gained 700k followers in 5 hours! how is that even possible! idk but yea... we got tired after all that so we went to sleep. 

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