Jaden's friday ♡

707 6 2

- sway -

- Friday 4:30 p.m. -

Avani, Anthony, and Bryce made me go to this party that Ryland invited them to. Bc once again I was in my room. D E P R E S S E D. Olivia came to check on me since I left that day on the restaurant without no explanations. I told her I couldn't deal with her on that moment. She thought I was being rude. And tbh I was sorta. I didn't yell at her or anything I just told her to leave my room and to leave me alone. She took it to the negative side and accused me to be "breaking up" with her. I didn't say much other than "sure let it be it then". So i can say I'm a F R E E M A N from now on. Anyways... I said I didn't want to go to the party but yk my friends right. They literally dragged me there. Tbh it's cool until

- Rylands Party -

- Friday 10 p.m. -

R - oooo they are here *he screamed through all the noise in the party*
Av - wait who's here?
An - the strippers *he said with a funny drunk smirk*
Av - oh how dare u ANTONIO LOUIS REEVES! (Pretend that's his name here/ Anthony is his famous name)
An - what u asked who was here and I told u
Av - oml we'll talk later!
B - hehe yk what's abt to goooo
Av - umm nope ur staying here Addison told me to look after u
B - uhhhhh I-I did-didn't mean me! Ofc not! I-I meant...... JADEN!!!!
J - wait what!?
R - I herd Jaden's name? Is he going to be first?
J - waitttttt I didn't-
Av - ummm NO!
An - why not bby!
Av - what if Liz hears abt this?
J - sooo
B - she has a B O Y F R I E N D!!!
J - yea what he said
Av - JADEN!!!
An - come on let them be!
B - yea THEM!
*everyone looked at Bryce, Bryce had one arm up with his fist closed (like the justice one lol)*
B - oh man
R - so excited Jaden
J - I-I mean...

Not long after someone pulled me down on a chair and 3 different ladies started dancing and stripping on me. Then 2 of them were kissing my neck while one was doing a lap dance. Some how none of them made me wanna act up. I kept my self serous the whole time. Rutland then shouted "who's next!" Then the ladies finished on me and another guy sat down. Tbh I didn't hate it but I didn't like it either.

When u have someone in your mind, nothing else matter ~ Jaden Hossler

A/n - pretend Jaden said that in his mind. Later on the story he'll say it again. And no he didn't say it in real life. Well not that I know of lol....

And on to the rest-

- 8 bottles of vodka later -

B - where have I been bro
J - broooo my heads pounding
B - answer me
J - idk I went to get a drink and I don't rly remember what happened
An - how r u here then
J - I saw y'all from there *i said pointing to a room that was sorta far but close*
Av - how did u manage to walk here
J - idk
An - Man U look BADDDDD
J - give me a break! I can't see
B - haha what does that have to do with u looking bad
J - idk what I'm saying f*ck off
Av - alright I think I have a enough drunk people to take home let's go
B - whyyyyyyy
Av - Addisons there
B - I'm in the car already
*Bryce said running to Avani's car*
Av - let's go bby
An - al-ri-ght *he said mumbling his words*
Av - God ur drunk
An - I know
An - come on Jaden

I followed them to the car. I sat next to Bryce. Avani then gets a call from... Liz. Apparently she's back. G R E A T. I told her to leave me at sway but she said no ofc. I moved to the back back seats since I'll have to be on the same car as Liz and her b- her b- her b-b. U get it right.

5 minutes later.

J - umm Avani
Av - what!
J - I need the bathroom
Av - u can hold it till u get to sway
J - o like NOW
Av - bro I can hold it
J - nook I'm not wanting to pee. I need to-
Av - ewww I said wait till u get to sway I don't need to know ur necessaries.
Av - oh lord why didn't I say it before
An&B - hahahaha
J - i tried but u we're talking over me!
Av - alright now shut up!

She stopped at a gas station and I did what I had to do. She also had to put gas in the car so win-win. I fell sorta better just a little head ache but I'm alright.

Oh lord we're pulling up at the airport I'm feeling weird. You know what I'm going to hide maybe they won't see me since I'll be behind them. A M A Z I N G idea Jaden. And so I hid behind the seats Bryce probably thinks I'm crazy but oh well....

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