Afternoon ♡

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O - where are u guys going?
L - umm no where actually we're going home
B - I thought we were going to the ice cream-
L - yea abt that. Bryce come here

As Liz pulled Bryce aside Olivia did the same with me.

O - I don't think I want to hbu?
J - I mean I would be up to. But we're working on a project... u choose
O - me? Why me?
J - bc I will be fine with either
O - ok than... plus I don't think Liz wants us there
J - is just the way she is-
O - NO I DONT THINK SO *she snaps*
O -  and plus td is abt us getting to know each other. And shouldn't Liz be doing the same with Joshua?
J - yea I guess...

Ok so Olivia doesn't like Liz? Or am I going crazy! Anyways...


L - Bryce why would u do that!!!
B - what I thought we could invite them
L - well u thought
B - ummm... what's going on
L - nothing why?
B - is it bc Jaden is on a 'date' with her-
L - IS NOT A DATE! *i snap*
B - uhh ok than
B - are we actually going home?
L - no but they need to think we are
B - ok...

Ahhh was Bryce CRAZY TO INVITE THEM?!?! I know I'll have to deal with Olivia due to us filming the movie together but there's something in her that I don't like. Anyways...

O - yea we're not going
L - great bye

As I grab Bryces back, turn him around and start pushing him while I walk behind him. I feel a hand on my wrist. So I turn back

J - hey sry abt that
L - abt?..
J - Olivia, she's trying to fit in. But we have-
L 'we have q project to finish' yea yea I get it *i day as I kinda roll my eyes*
J - how did u know I was going to-
L 'to say that' well I live with boys, gotta know what they say right?
J - I guess...
L - well we gotta go, good luck
J - thx

He quickly gave me a peak on lips as he turned around and walked toward Olivia who had a serious face on. I watched she snatched his arm and held on it while walking away. I had to hold my anger down other wise I would be jumping on her throat. Am I being too jealous? Maybe right? My attention was caught by the tall boy calling my name.

Jo - hey Liz
L - yea
Jo - let's go

As we were on our way to the ice cream shop I had a melody on my mind. And that melody was stuck in there. Maybe I should put my thoughts down on paper. And see what it turns out to be.

B - I how humming?
Everyone - Liz
B - Liz shut up
L - fuck off
M - out sounds good
L - thx Mark
M - r u going to do anything with it? Like a song
L - maybe... who knows
K - u should
G - agreed
Bl - same
Jo - me 2
L - well I'll see... Bryce are we there yet?
B - actually yea

We get out of the car. And the boys start to walk inside the ice cream shop. And ofc I was the last one to get out.

Jo - hey I think ur humming was pretty good
L - thank you Mr. Richards *we giggle*
Jo - no but fr now u should make a song with that
L - u think so?
Jo - yes I will sound great
L - ok fine but after we get ice cream otherwise my brain won't work
Jo - ok only if I help
L - deal
Jo - deal

We shake our hands and after Josh gave me a hug. He's such a good friend. And maybe him and the boys are right. I should write some lyrics to go with it.

We get our ice cream. I got cookies and cream with strawberry . Bryce and Blake got he same thing which was dulce de leche with mint. Mark got vanilla and mint. Kio got chocolate. And Josh and Griffin got caramel with chocolate. As we were getting out Bryce as usual said a joke and we all laughed. When we where walking around. Fletcher the Hollywood Fix dude came up to us.

F - hey guys how are you
B - hey where good
F - good good hey Liz how's the movie going
L - oh it's great
F - great I herd you and Jaden are a thing. Fans pointed that u guys are rly close recently

For my luck the boys started to laugh. Ahh great!!!

L - umm no no I um no comment
F - ok but is there anyone in your life right now?
L - ummm come here

I called Mark over

L - my best friend is the only man on my life rn

Mark had a goofy smile on

M - u herd that Jaden I'm her main *he laughed as he put a arm around my shoulders*
L - oh god *i rolled my eyes*
F - wait so u guys are a thing? I'm confused
L - yea we are

The boys stopped and looked at me confused and so did Mark.

M - wait what?
L - we are... Besties
M - omg Liz don't scare me like that
F - oh I get it he's like ur brother
L - yea we know each other since we were kids
F - aww that cute. Hbu Mark do u have anyone in ur life rn?
M - no not rly.
L - oh how abt me *i acted hurt*
M - yea I guess I have u

He gave me a side hug

F - anyways Josh anything going on?
Jo - I mean shop Josh
B - and don't forget shop Party bby
F - ok ok merch anything else?
Jo - well can't say it rn but big things coming out.
F - good good well bye guys.
Everyone - bye

We all enjoyed our afternoon. We took lots of pictures and after went home.

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