Chapter 1: How it all began

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Chapter 1: (1152 words)

Simon was sitting on a bench in the schoolyard with his best friend JJ. They were chatting about anything happening at school, about Josh and Freya, the power couple of the school, hosting a party at Josh's place later this week, about Tobi, Simon's teammate in football (soccer), who needed tutoring to stay on the team, or even about Ethan, the used to be fat kid who lost a ton of weight and was now known as the fitness kid. That's how was high school, everyone was put in a box, and you had to stick to it. Simon looked around, watching everyone that passed by. He and JJ were pretty popular. He was a football player, and it's not to strew roses at his own feet, but he was quite good at it. As for JJ, most people liked him because they thought he was funny, but some people were just scared of him. Take Vik for example, he was the smartest guy at the school, grade-wise, and Simon could see JJ was frightening him. It's not like JJ tried to be nice to the guy, he would make jokes about him or make him do his math homework sometimes. Some people could see it as bullying, but it's just how JJ was, he didn't think about how what he did could affect anyone, he just did whatever he wants. Nevertheless, Simon knew who JJ really was, and he knew deep down he was a good person. And if he had to be honest, even if JJ would never admit it, Simon could see he actually liked Vik as a friend. "So we are going right? JJ's voice brought Simon back to reality.

-Going where? He asked confused as his best friend sighed.

-Were you even listening to me? To Josh's party. We are going right?

-Oh... Simon stayed quiet for a few seconds before nodding. Sure.

-Look, JJ said hitting Simon's chest gently, the shy kid. He pointed to a honey blonde guy walking with his head slightly down, earphones in his ears.

-That guy's weird he never talks to anyone aside from Freezy or sometimes Callux. The blue-eyed boy said his eyes following the other boy.

-I know! I don't think I even know the guy's name. Jide exclaimed

-Me neither. Simon turned his gaze from the honey blonde to JJ. I don't even think I've even ever heard his voice and we have an English class together. Simon had noticed the boy a while back, he was sitting next to the window in the back of the class and seemed distracted, lost in his thoughts. He remembered thinking he was odd because even when Tobi asked him for a pen, he just took one out and gave it to him, without a word. He actually thought the guy was mute before Callux told him he spoke to him sometimes.

-Hey you know what? JJ suddenly blurted with a face Simon knew too well. JJ just had an idea, Simon was sure of that.

-What? He asked skeptically because JJ had a lot of stupid ideas.

-We wanted to have fun right? Jide sounded excited.

-Yeah... Simon replied with the same skeptical tone as before.

-Well I found our fun. The blue-eyed boy looked at his friend confused. The shy kid, I bet you you can't make him sleep with you. JJ's voice was daring.

-Jide that's the stupidest idea you've ever gotten. Simon rolled his eyes.

-Oh come on, don't be a wimp. You don't want to do it because you know he won't like you and you don't want your ego to be hurt. JJ insisted.

-I just don't want to waste my time with someone I don't like. Simon explained.

-If you didn't swing that way I would understand, but there you have no excuses. JJ was the only person who knew Simon was gay. He had never told anyone because he was scared of what people would say. Plus you're already wasting your time with people you don't like. I know you sleep around Si. Simon sighed.

-Do you know you can be very annoying sometimes? He frowned.

-I'd stop being annoying if you weren't a wimp. The boy sitting next to JJ sighed again.

-How much time do you give me? JJ's eyes lit up of excitement.

-Take all the time you need bro, I'd just need proof to be sure you're not lying your way out of this bet.

-Kay." Simon breathed out. He couldn't believe he just made that bet with JJ. How was he even supposed to get the honey blonde boy to sleep with him? It's not like he could just come to him and ask him if he was down to fuck. For all Simon knew the other boy was straight. He sunk into the bench knowing he was fucked. He couldn't tell JJ he wasn't going to do it because he knew JJ would tease him with that and give him an awful forfeit, but getting to just know the honey blonde boy seemed impossible. Throughout the rest of the day, Simon desperately tried to find a way to just talk to "the shy kid" as JJ was calling him. He was now in the locker room, changing out of his football outfit, listening to Tobi complaining about getting a tutor for English. "And who's your tutor?  Simon asked half listening.

-I don't know, some guy named Harry. Tobi shrugged. Neither of them knew who this Harry was and Tobi was just hoping he wasn't an asshole or boring as hell.

-When is he supposed to tutor you? Simon voiced zipping his bag.

-Thursday afternoon. Right after class, when my boredom is finally over, I'll have more classes, hence more boredom." Tobi complained making Simon chuckle. After this conversation, the boys both went home. That night, Simon had some trouble falling asleep, which wasn't unusual for him as he tended to overthink a lot. JJ's stupid bet was keeping him awake. Even though JJ didn't give him a limited amount of time, if he saw no progress, he'll assume Simon renounced on completing the bet, and Simon couldn't let that happen because even though he was Olajide's best friend, he wouldn't stop himself from teasing Simon with it. But the blue-eyed boy had a plan. He'd observe the other boy for a while, in order to see what he likes, and then he'll go talk to him about whatever he is interested in. The honey blonde guy will be so surprised that he'll let his guard down and they'll end up sleeping together in no time. Simon had always been good to pay attention to all the small details. Easy, he thought.

The first chapter is done! I hope you all enjoy the story! Please leave your opinions in the comment, I'd love to get feedback from you :)

The Bet: A Minishaw Short StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora