Chapter 7: Brokenhearted

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End of the previous chapter: 

Tomorrow he will tell JJ he had completed the bet and he'll be able to go back to his normal life. His life before Harry was living in his head rent-free. But would he be able to ghost the smaller boy? To just stop talking to him? He decided it was a problem for another day and stopped thinking about what could happen in the future.

Chapter 7: ( 1530 words)

But Simon didn't think about the fact that Harry was going to the same school as him. And now, he was in front of him, listening to JJ and Freezy bicker about some unimportant shit, like they always did. And Simon was clearly staring, but he couldn't help himself. How could he resist the sight of this gift from heaven? And that's how he knew he wouldn't be able to just stop talking to Harry. Eventually, Freezy and Harry had to leave because unlike JJ and Simon's first-period teacher, theirs was present. Harry shot Simon the brightest smile the taller boy had ever seen before casually walking away as if they didn't just have a moment. "What was that about? JJ asked suspiciously as he sat down on a bench that was behind them.

-What was what about?  Simon replied, acting clueless when knew all too well what Jide was implying.

-The smile, the stares. Do you really think I'm that dumb to not catch on something that obvious?  He stated a little offended.

-It was nothing Jiddle. Simon shrugged.

-Sure... JJ was not convinced by his best friend's answer. He knew the other boy way too well for Simon to hide anything from him. Especially having a crush. So did you fulfill the bet yet? 'Cause you're taking your time with it. I would've thought you would've already boned him by now and we wouldn't have to hang out with him anymore. He's quite dull. Those words almost made Simon lose his temper. Did JJ really think that? He couldn't tell him he slept with Harry already, then, because if he did he wasn't sure Oladjide would agree to hang out with Harry anymore.

-Well, you didn't give me any time limit. And just so you know Harry is actually a very interesting person." Simon sounded a tad annoyed by JJ's comment. He wasn't sure why, but he felt the need to defend Harry. He had taken what JJ had said at heart and it hurt him that his best friend saw Harry like that. But after all, Jide didn't know the honey blonde boy like Simon did. JJ smiled to himself at the other boy's reaction. So he was right, Simon did like Harry. Jide didn't think Harry was dull at all. In all honesty, he even found him fun to hang out with. But he wanted to see if Simon would get pissed off and all defensive of Harry, which he actually did, giving away the fact that he cared about the smaller boy a bit more than he had admitted to JJ. At the last recess of the day, JJ, Tobi, Ethan, and Freezy had managed to leave Simon and Harry alone, sitting on the bench JJ and Simon were previously sat on, pretexting they had an errand to run. Harry smiled awkwardly at first, not feeling too at ease, but Simon started to talk and he gradually relaxed as the conversation went by. Eventually, both of them stopped talking, and Harry kissed Simon softly, but the taller boy pushed him away. "What are you doing?! Simon panicked. He wasn't out yet so people couldn't just see him kiss a boy like everything was normal. Plus he was a footballer, he had a reputation to hold, he couldn't risk it all could he?

-I...I thought...I'm sorry." Harry stuttered, tears forming in his eyes. He got up and left as quickly as he could, too embarrassed by what had just happened. How dumb of him was it to think that Simon Minter might like him back. He really was a fool. Of course, Simon didn't like him. He could have anyone he wanted, so why would he have picked someone like Harry? He was just trying to be friendly, trying to avoid hurting Harry by not kicking him out of his life right after they had sex together. Because despite everything people could say about Simon, he was a nice guy who genuinely cared about people. At least, that was how Harry was seeing him. Maybe Simon regretted the night they spent together. Or maybe Harry just wasn't his type. Whether it was one or the other, it was clear that he didn't like Harry as much as Harry liked him. So he had to drop it. To forget he ever had the smallest tint of hope in his heart that he and Simon could end up together. Because they wouldn't. It was going to be hard but Harry could do it, right? He was strong. At least, he liked to think he was. Avoiding Simon couldn't be so complicated. After all, he was rarely finding him when he was looking for him so if he wasn't, he could manage to not see him at all. Not that he wanted this though, because the sight of Simon smiling or laughing, or even just the sound of his voice was enough to brighten Harry's whole day. "What's up with that guy? Josh asked, crossing paths with Harry before sitting down next to Simon. Simon shrugged, a feeling of sadness rushing through him as he looked at Harry running away. Was Harry worth risking his reputation for?

-Anyway, what's up Josh? He said quickly changing the topic as he really didn't want to talk about Harry right now.

-Not much. I think I'm still hungover but otherwise, things have been pretty chill this week. He answered with his usual calm tone.

-Dude your party was on Friday night, how can you still be hungover 4 days later? Simon chuckled. He needed that, to laugh. It was helping to cope with all of the mixed emotions he was currently feeling, and most importantly, it was taking his mind off Harry. Josh was always making him laugh somehow, so he might need to think about hanging out with him more in the next few days.

-That might be because it was Freya's birthday yesterday, so we went out to celebrate it and I ended up getting shitfaced." Josh giggled light-heartedly, warming Simon's heart a little. Josh was always good at making Simon feel better, without even knowing it. And even if they weren't the closest friends you could find, their friendship meant a lot to both of them. As Harry was running away, tears blurring his vision, he bumped into someone, not bothering to apologize as the person protested. He stopped a few meters later, out of breath, and he finally broke down. That's when he heard footsteps coming closer to him, and he felt someone stopping right next to him. "Are you ok? The person asked with a worried tone. Did he look ok? Seriously he was fucking crying, why did this guy had to come and bother him now? It's not like anyone noticed him on daily basis so why when he wanted to be left alone, all of a sudden someone acknowledged his existence.

-I'm fine. He dryly said, not wanting to talk, his hands covering his face.

-You don't sound fine. The other boy insisted.

-Well why does it matter to you? Look I just want you to leave me alone, so please go away! He lashed out, making the boy take a step back.

-O...Okk...Humm... Before I leave you alone, you dropped your phone when you bumped into me earlier so I thought I'd bring it back to you... Great! That guy was awfully nice and Harry had just yelled at him like an idiot after bumping into him. No wonder why he had no friends.

-Thanks... That's very nice of you. Harry replied, with a friendlier tone this time. He quickly wiped away his tears. I'm sorry for bumping into you. He apologized.

-It's fine, I'm used to it. The Indian looking boy said, giving him a small smile. I'm Vik by the way.

-I'm Harry. He replied, grabbing the phone Vik was handing him.

-So, I guess I should leave you alone, as requested. He paused for a few seconds before adding. But know that if you ever need a friend to talk to I'm here. Like they would say in Toy story, you've got a friend in me. Vik was about to walk away when Harry spoke up.

-Wait...I think I do need a friend to talk to... If you're not busy of course. Vik shot him a smile.

-I'm the one who's offered." And the boys went to Starbucks to drink a cup of coffee and talk about what was upsetting Harry so much. The honey blonde boy didn't know why, but opening up to Vik seemed easy for him. They ended up talking for a while, exchanging phone numbers. Harry may have messed up with Simon, but at least he gained a friend today. Heartbreak and happiness were battling inside of Harry's mind that night. But a broken heart mends right? And with the help of his new friend Vik, he was determined to heal his broken heart.

Alexa play 'you've got a friend in me' from Toy story. Yay Vik finally plays a part in the story! Anyways, I hope you're liking the story so far :)

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