Chapter 12: Forgiveness?

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End of the previous chapter:

They didn't really know how they were going to do that, but they knew they had to. For Simon's sake, for Harry's sake, for their own sake, for everyone's sake.

Chapter 12: (1074 words)

Harry was still tutoring Tobi so, on their Thursday session, Tobi got JJ to tag along, allowing them to talk to Harry about what had happened between him and Simon. When Harry saw JJ walk in after Tobi, he sighed heavily. "What is he doing here?  He hissed. I'm tutoring you not him. Harry said, emphasizing the word "him".

-We just want to talk Bog, please. Tobi replied with the gentle tone he was always using. Harry looked at them for a few minutes. He trusted Tobi. He had always been nice to him and seemed to always have everyone's best interest at heart. But JJ... Vik told him he was making him do his homework for him. And JJ did make a bet about him just for fun. Jide clearly didn't care about other people's feelings, so was it even worth listening to him and Tobi? But Tobi was his friend, and listening to what they had to say didn't cost him anything.

-Ok... He muttered, sitting down. What do you want?

-First of all, I wanted to apologize. I know making Simon sleep with you for a bet wasn't very nice. I didn't think about you guys' feelings and about the consequences of the bet. JJ started. After all, maybe he did care about people. I didn't mean this to end like that...

-Well it's too late now innit?  Harry said, more dryly than he intended to. But I accept the apology.

-You know Simon is really heartbroken. He loves you, Harry. Tobi softly let out. Harry could see in Tobi's eyes that he was telling the truth but Simon played with him. Plus, he was heartbroken too, but they didn't think to take this into consideration. They weren't thinking about the fact that Simon broke his heart first.

-I love him too... Harry almost whispered, voice breaking. It hurt him to admit it out loud, however, he was still in love with Simon even after what he did. But what he did to me was wrong... If I'm honest, he should be the one apologizing. Harry's heart was growing heavier as the conversation was going.

-And he will. I swear. Tobi voiced. But will you forgive him if he does? Of course, he would ask that. Simon wouldn't apologize unless he says he will forgive him. They didn't want more drama innit? Harry scoffed at the question.

-I don't know. He shrugged. I guess he'll find out if he owns up to his mistakes.

-Come on man. Simon didn't even think the bet was a good idea. Be mad at me not at him. JJ said getting annoyed. He had little patience, and Tobiknew that. He hoped he would keep his cool though because he also knew pressuring Harry into doing anything wasn't a good way of handling things.

-He still did it though. Harry blurted.

-Well you wouldn't have dated him if he hadn't. Jide retorted.

-I also wouldn't be feeling like shit right now. Harry replied angrily.

-Guys! Calm down. Tobi stepped in. Harry, I know you feel terrible because of Simon and Jiddle, but I don't think either of them wanted to make you feel like this, especially Simon. Right JJ? Tobi looked at Olajide, waiting for him to say something.

-Yeah, hurting both of you wasn't how it was supposed to go... JJ confessed.

-How did you think it was gonna go then huh? Why did you do that? Harry still sounded pissed. After all, out of the three of them, he was the one who had every right to be pissed.

-I don't know... It's just... Jide sighed. Simon was sleeping around and it was clearly not making him happy.

-So you thought 'why not make him sleep with another random guy?' Harry said in disbelief. What kind of messed up friend are you?!

-You weren't a random guy. He had talked to me about you before, I don't think he even did it on purpose, but he actually talked about you quite often. He said you were odd and you were always daydreaming. He even told me once he thought you were mute. I didn't pick up on it before he told me you were quite cute though. JJ explained

-Pick up on what? Harry asked confused.

-On the fact he liked you. I don't think he even knew it himself, so I had to find a way to make him realize he did and I knew it would help him stop his self-destructive pattern too. Jide explained. Plus, I knew from Freezythat you were bisexual, so Si had a chance with you. He added.

-And you couldn't find a better way to make us talk? Harry questioned out of curiosity, not sounding mad anymore.

-I probably could've, but I usually just do whatever comes through my head first, and it looked like a good idea at the time. JJ admitted.

-See, he had good intentions. Tobi pointed out, trying his best to make harry forgive Olajide and Simon.

-JJ did, but Simon didn't... Harry answered.

-He did fam I swear. JJ blurted. I kinda forced him.

-Yeah Jiddle can be a tad insistent sometimes and Simon probably knew that Jide wouldn't let him be until he accepted to rise to the challenge. Tobi added.

-I'll take that into consideration. Harry voiced.

-Please, just give him a chance. Tobi almost pleaded.

-If he apologizes, I'll think about it." Harry said. Both of the other boys nodded. Harry loved Simon so much that he could feel his heart bleed every time he even thought about him being sad but was it a reason to forgive him? Did Simon love him as much as Harry did? Probably not, because he didn't want anyone to know they were dating. Harry knew he said he was fine with that, but it didn't seem like Simon cared about him as much as he cared about his reputation. On the other hand, he wanted to feel like he felt when it was only the two of them again. He had never felt happier in his life than during the moments he shared with Simon. And he did flood his thoughts too. Harry was restless that night, wondering what he should do about Simon. Was he going to forgive him?

I know I was supposed to post this yesterday but I kind of forgot 😅 Also, next week's chapter will be the last one guys!

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