Chapter 11: After school conversation

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End of the previous chapter : 

The next day, he almost stayed home, but Callum convinced him to go. He walked into school feeling completely defeated. He didn't want to do anything anymore and he was using all of his strength to hold in his tears. But then, Simon approached them...

Chapter 11: (1004 words)

That day was the worst day ever for Simon. He considered going home as he was so out of it to remember anything his teachers, or his friends for that matter, were telling him. He was just in shock of what had happened and all he could think of was how mad he was at himself for shattering Harry's trust, and at JJ because that stupid bet was his idea. But then again, he would've never talked to Harry if it wasn't for it. Throughout the day, he barely said a word, receiving worried glances from his friends. They were all trying to hide their concern and Josh was making twice more jokes to try to make Simon laugh, or at least smile. Sadly, it was a fail. As their last class of the day ended, Simon put all of his things in his backpack as quickly as he could and stormed out of the classroom. The only thing he wanted right now was to get home, go in his bed and cry it out. But Tobi had other plans for them. He caught him up, calling his name as he was running toward him. "You're in a hurry this afternoon. Tobi said out of breath.

-Yeah...What do you want Tobs? Is it important? Simon asked, sounding on edge. He loved Tobi to bits but at that moment, all he wanted was for his friend to stop talking to him and leave him alone. Simon really wasn't in the mood to have fun or joke. He was sad. And when he felt like this he preferred being alone. He was better at dealing with his emotions when he dealt with them by himself rather than with someone's help. It was probably because he would never fully tell someone how he felt. He always kept some things to himself, making his emotions seems lightener than they really were. Maybe it was a way to protect himself. To feel like he was still in charge of what was going on.

-Oh no, not really, I just thought we could hang out for a while. Tobi replied light-heartedly, with his signature smile.

-Maybe another time mate, I don't really feel good right now. Simon started to walk away, but Tobi did too, walking with him.

-Well, I'll walk home with you then, that way, we can talk for a bit. He really never gave up? Simon sighed.

-Sure...He muttered almost rolling his eyes. He knew Tobi had the best intentions and was just trying to cheer him up, but Simon couldn't help the feeling of annoyance he felt toward him at that moment.

-You know, if something's wrong you can tell me, right? Tobi said with the kindest tone Simon had ever heard. Yet the taller boy felt his blood boil inside of him.

-I don't really want to talk right now. Simon answered dryly. He immediately felt bad for using this tone toward Tobi who was just trying to help, but he needed to make him understand he wanted to be left alone.

-Well, I'll do the talking then. He said with a kind and calm tone.

-Treat yourself mate. Simon replied nonchalantly.

-I think I can speak on behalf of all of your friends when I say we hate seeing you like this. You barely talked today and it's very unusual of you. Hell, you didn't even make fun of Ethan when his voice cracked earlier, and god knows you would be the first one to point it out normally. Even Josh didn't manage to make you smile. We're concerned about you but you're shutting us off.

-Where are you going with this?  Simon asked. I get it, I worry y'all. I'm sorry, but I can't force myself to be happy all the time! I'm sad ok?!  He lashed out. Tobi wasn't really surprised by this sudden outburst. He knew Simon was hot-headed and he tended to explode when something was wrong. So, of course, he didn't take this personally.

-And you have every right to be, Simon. He replied still calm. I guess whatI'm trying to say is that if you told us what's up, we could maybe help you get better.

-You couldn't do anything. The taller boy muttered, looking at the sky.

-It's about Harry, isn't it? Tobi said carefully. Simon looked at him frowning.

-How do you know? He was confused because he had only told JJ. But JJ wouldn't have told Tobi, would he?

-I saw the way you two keep looking at each other. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. Plus I noticed he was seemingly sad too today. It wasn't that hard to put two and two together. Simon bit the inside of his cheek, looking at Tobi with a sad expression on his face. What happened?" Tobs asked, and Simon explained everything, from the beginning, being JJ's bet, to now. He was talking fast, smiling when he was mentioning a pleasant moment, and holding back his tears when the moment related was sad. It was like he was reliving everything that had happened. He could see everything so clearly, passing before his eyes. Tobi ended up spending the night at Simon's, for moral support. He spent most of the night trying to get Simon to stop crying, hugging him and reassuring him. He had to do something. He couldn't just leave Simon feeling like this for an undetermined period of time. So Tobi took the matter into his own hands. The next day, he talked to JJ and they decided since it was kind of JJ's fault that Simon and Harry were on bad terms, and that they needed to find a way to make them make up. They didn't really know how they were going to do that, but they knew they had to. For Simon's sake, for Harry's sake, for their own sake, for everyone's sake.

We're close to the end guys. I hope you enjoyed the story so far!! 

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