Chapter 4: Wonderland

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End of the previous chapter

He heard a few people talk about Simon, the footballer, the popular kid. Since then, he was observing him from a distance. He didn't know why but he was drawn to him, it was like when he saw him, his day got brighter. He had wanted to talk to him for forever but he never got the courage due to his shyness, until today. He was really thankful he accepted to tutor Tobi because thanks to that he had been able to talk to Simon, finally. He quickly fell asleep, excited about the next day. 

Chapter 4: (1513 words)

That night, Harry dreamt of Simon, but his alarm clock took him out of his dream soon enough. He sighed, he wouldn't have mind dreaming a bit more. The first thing Harry did when he got to school was looking for Simon. He didn't manage to see him much though. He saw him with JJ at recess and obtain a big grin from the taller boy which he gave back of course. Who wouldn't smile back when someone beamed at them with a smile as bright as Simon Minter's? Harry then walked away, to let Simon enjoy his friend's company. The taller boy looked at him walking away. He felt a bit disappointed when the honey blonde boy didn't come talk to him. He had been looking for him all morning, and now that he had finally spotted him, Harry just shot him a smile and left. Simon didn't really know why but after the exchange they had the day before, he just wanted to talk to Harry more. This conversation made something change in Simon, but he couldn't quite get what it was. He couldn't get Harry off of his head though. He was replaying their conversation in his head, observing Harry's face. The way his eyes creased when he laughed, his dimples when he smiled, his fluffy hair that looked extremely soft. And while imagining that he could hearHarry's laugh in his head, which was making him grin. Wait, why was he thinking about all those things? He barely knew Harry. Ok, he liked the time they spent together, but it was just that right? A friendship. It was what it was. A friendship he was willing to risk for a stupid bet he made with JJ. He sighed making JJ, who was ranting about everything and nothing, stop talking and look at him."Everything's alright Stimpy?

-Huh? Simon put his gaze on JJ. Yeah, yeah everything's fine. He said obviously still bothered by something.

-You know you can tell me if something's wrong. I won't tell anyone fam.JJ had a concerned look on his face which warmed Simon's heart.Olajide was not the type of guy to show he cared about people. He would make jokes and talk about personal stuff when he liked you.Simon assumed it was to show people he trusted them, or just because he needed people to talk to.

-I know Jiddle, thanks. The blue-eyed boy gave him a little smile. ButI'm fine. I was just thinking about the bet we made.

-What about it? Did you do it yet? JJ seemed surprised but excited.

-No, I didn't. But maybe soon." Simon let out with an unsure tone, almost like he was asking JJ. At the end of class, Simon waited awhile in front of the school, until he saw Harry came out of it."Harry! He hollered, walking fast to catch him up. The honey blonde guy turned around a distracted look on his face and smiled as soon as he saw Simon.

-Hello. He voiced when Simon had reached him.

-Hey. Simon breathed, panting a little. Since you've never gone to Josh's house before, and I don't want you to bail on us tonight, I thought I could keep an eye on you until the party and we could go there together. He spitted out. Harry chuckled.

-So basically you want to hang out with me? Harry said teasingly. Simon nodded. Okay, sure!Let's go to my place, maybe if we have enough time I could show you the first ' back to the future '. Or should we keep that for another time and just talk today? Harry chattered while they were walking.

-Whatever you think is best." Simon grinned. They arrived at Harry's house not too long after they had left school. Harry only lived 20 minutes away, in one of those brick houses you can see in London. The honey blonde boy opened the door after unlocking it, shouting a "is anyone home?" to which he had no answer. He took off his shoes so Simon did the same, leaning against a wall to keep his balance. The house wasn't a mansion, but it looked big enough. Harry grabbed Simon's hand, an excited but yet nervous look on his face. The blue-eyed boy followed him to a close door, in front of which the other boy stopped. Harry turned around to face Simon before turning back and to open the door. "This is my room...Hum...It's a bit messy, I hope you don't mind. He sheepishly said, picking up some clothes which were laying on the floor. Simon came in, closing the door behind him, and looked around.

-It'snot as messy as my room." He voiced amused and he saw Harry relax almost automatically. Harry sat on his bed and Simon sat next to him.They stayed silent for a few seconds, Harry playing with his feet, before he broke the silence. They debated whether or not they had time to actually watch a movie, but knowing Josh's party was starting in about an hour and a half and that Harry lived 45 minutes away from Josh they dropped the idea very quickly. Instead, they just talked. And Simon was trying to understand why he felt so at ease with Harry. He didn't have to think about what he could or couldn't say nor how to act or not to act, he could just be himself. Simon got to know a lot more about the other boy during this conversation. He was immersed in the honey blonde boy's world, surrounded by his stuff, like his football jersey collection or his comics. The smell of Harry's room was oddly reassuring to Simon, it smelt of cinnamon and vanilla, and it kind of reminded him of his childhood. The time to leave this bubble they were in came too soon in Simon's opinion and he felt a bitter taste when Harry locked his front door. It was like Harry was locking him out of wonderland when all he wanted to do was stay there. "Shall we? Harry asked, pulling Simon out of his thoughts.

-Hmm Hmm. He nodded, slowly starting to walk in the direction of Josh'shouse. It was oddly hot today, Simon noticed, pretty unusual for London, but it was almost summer after all. Harry, who didn't know that part of town well, was just looking around, admiring the architecture. "It's beautiful here." He muttered astonished and Simon caught himself staring at Harry, thinking he was the most beautiful and fascinating human he had ever met. What was wrong with Simon? It wasn't normal to think about those kinds of things about a friend.Not even a friend, an acquaintance. A guy he had to sleep with and then leave. A one nightstand. A quick fuck. That was all Harry was.At least, that was all he had to be. And if he thought about it, even if Simon did feel something for the guy walking next to him, he couldn't be in a relationship with him. Why? You'll ask. Well, it's easy. Simply because Simon was popular and Harry wasn't, and that'show high school works. Popular people date popular people. But it wasn't the only reason. Simon wasn't out yet, and he didn't plan to come out anytime soon. And Harry. Harry was one of the reasons too.What if he was straight? Simon would find that out tonight. Surely.And why was Simon even thinking about that? "Stop this Simon! He cursed under his breath.

-What? Harry asked putting his gaze on Simon.

-Nothing. Simon hurried to reply.

-Are you sure? Harry was wondering what he did to make Simon annoyed all of a sudden. He had very low self-esteem so he was always worried when someone looked like they were mad at him. He always second-guessed everything and deep down he was scared people didn't really enjoy being with him. It was one of the reasons he didn't have many friends. That way he was protecting himself from being hurt. But with Simon it was different. He cared more about Simon than about anyone else because he had never felt that comfortable with someone, and he didn't want to lose that.

-Yeah, I was just talking to myself. Harry chuckled because of the way Simon said it, with a little embarrassed smile on his face like he was ashamed of admitting it. It was really cute. Don't tell anyone though, I don't want people to think I'm weird.

-Don'tworry, it's not like I have a lot of people to tell anyway. There was a silence for a few seconds before Harry continued. You know I do that too sometimes.

-Do what? Simon frowned.

-Talk to myself. He said as if it was obvious. Did you know it's actually a sign of intelligence?

-Oh really?

-Yeah, so it means we are the intellectual elite of the nation." Harry said very casually. They both laughed. That boy was always cracking jokes, Simon thought.

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