Chapter 2: Library

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End of the previous chapter:

He'd observe the other boy for a while, in order to see what he likes, and then he'll go talk to him about whatever he is interested in. The honey blonde guy will be so surprised that he'll let his guard down and they'll end up sleeping together in no time. Simon had always been good to pay attention to all the small details. Easy, he thought.

Chapter 2: (1189 words)

So the next day, he started observing the boy. Simon spotted him walking into school and bailed on JJ who looked at him in confusion. "Minter where are you going fam? He shouted.

-Fulfilling your bet." Simon shouted back not even turning around. He walked fast to catch up on the honey blonde and he followed him discreetly to the library. He saw him look at books, searching for one, and get startled by the ringing of the bell announcing the start of the classes. Simon left because he had to go to class, registering what he had learned about the boy. He liked reading, and from what Simon saw, he was into Sci-fi. This morning, in the second period, he had English, so he'll see the boy there. Simon's first class went by quickly so he found himself in his English class soon enough, and the honey blonde guy was there. Still sitting next to the window, still looking like his mind was elsewhere. Simon didn't learn much more about the boy that day. At the end of his classes, he had spotted him but he lost him when JJ approached him, stopping him from following the other boy. "We're going to eat out and then go to the park to play football. Wanna come? Jide chirped.

-Who's we? Simon asked still looking for the honey blond.

-Oh, hmmm... Me, Tobs, Callux, Ethan, probs Charlie and a few guys Ethan meet at the gym.

-Sure, why not." Simon shrugged, giving up on finding the shy kid who was probably already far away by now. So JJ and him met up with the other guys and they played football all afternoon long. Simon's team lost but it was all good fun. He didn't really know Ethan before today, but the guy seemed like a nice person in his opinion. They should hang out more, he thought. During the game, Callux had fallen memorably, almost twisting his ankle. Once they had made sure he was alright, everyone bursted out of laughter due to the fall. At least, today had taken Simon's mind off of the bet he had made with JJ. As he was walking home, Simon's mind drifted off on Jide's bet. He had to get rid of it quickly because he was constantly thinking about it and it wasn't healthy. Simon was scared to disappoint his friend if he didn't succeed. Ah the fear of disappointing others, Simon knew it way too well. That was one of the reasons he didn't want to come out, because he was scared his parents would be disappointed in him. He had never had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter. In fact, he had never dated anyone. Sure he had had plenty of one night stands, with both genders, this is actually how he knew he wasn't attracted to girls, but he never had a proper relationship. Not that he didn't want to, he did, he just never found the right person. Simon collapsed on his bed, burying his face in his pillow. He was tired, his head was hurting from all the thoughts and his legs were too, probably because he had spent the afternoon running after a football. His alarm clock woke him up the next morning. "Morning already? " Simon groaned before getting up. He had fallen asleep in his clothes, great. He slowly changed into new clothes and went to his kitchen to eat breakfast. On his way to school, he ran into JJ, who as usual was joyful. In the schoolyard, they met with Vik. "The Indian genius. Jide let out pointing at Vik while walking toward him. He turned around.

-Hi JJ. Simon could see Vik wasn't at ease.

-Do you have my stuff? JJ asked. Vik reached in his backpack and handed him a paper.

-This is today's homework. I didn't have time to do the quiz though, sorry. I swear I'll bring it tomorrow.

-You didn't have time to do the quiz?! JJ said with an angry voice, taking a step closer to Vik who backed up, looking scared. After a few seconds, Jide starting laughing. Dude, you should see your face it's priceless. Isn't it priceless Simon? The blue-eyed boy nodded, seeing Vik getting more at ease. It's no big deal fam. You'll give it to me tomorrow morning." Vik nodded and on those words, JJ left followed by Simon. Throughout the day, Simon didn't see the honey blonde boy much. He saw him at lunch and noticed that he was eating with Cal Freezy. He also noted he didn't seem to like tomatoes since he picked them out of his sandwich, but aside from that, he wasn't around much. So when Simon was done with his classes, he went to where he thought the boy was most likely to be, the library. He arrived there and saw Tobi sitting at a table by himself, so he walked toward him. "Hey Tobs. He said sitting next to him. What are you doing here?

-Tutoring remember? Tobi answered looking up from the paper that was in front of him to look at Simon.

-Here, if you read that it will help you. An unknown voice said coming from behind Simon. He turned around and saw the honey blonde boy handing a book to Tobi.

-Simon, this is Harry my tutor, Harry, this is my teammate and friend Simon. Tobi said while Harry sat down.

-Nice to meet you Simon. Harry said in a quiet voice, a smile on his face. He speaks Simon thought, as it was the first time he heard his voice.

-Same. He let out, smiling back at him. After a few seconds of silence, Simon got up. Well, I guess I'll let you guys work.

-Thanks. Harry replied quietly. Simon started to walk away, but he quickly went back to the table.

-By the way Tobs, are you going to Josh's party tomorrow? He asked. He felt a gaze on him so he looked at the other boy present, who quickly looked away.

-Yeah, I wouldn't miss it. Tobi responded.

-Great, what about you Harry? You're coming? Harry looked unsettled by the unexpected question.

-Me? Hum I... I don't know. He stuttered.

-It will be fun, come on. And if you're bored I volunteer to take you home. You have nothing to lose, right? Simon insisted looking right in the sea-blue eyes of the other boy. A chill went through Harry's body.

-O...Okk. He faltered.

-Great, so I'll you both there then." Simon gave them a smile and left, Harry not looking away until Simon was out of his sight. No one except the Cals had ever invited him to a party. People always assumed that since he was shy he was boring, but frankly it was quite the opposite. He was really fun to hang out with once you knew him better and he opened up. Simon was happy that Harry accepted to come. The bet will be over tomorrow, he thought, thinking he could get Harry drunk and he'll accept to sleep with him. 

The Bet: A Minishaw Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now