Chapter 6: The weekend after the party

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End of the previous chapter: 

He hadn't forgotten about the bet, JJ wanted proof, he would get him proof, and then he'd leave him alone and they would never talk about that bet again. And who knows, maybe Simon would start dating Harry if he got lucky. When Simon turned around to go lay back down next to the boy he had just fucked his brain out of, he saw that Harry was already getting dressed.

Chapter 6: ( 1195 words)

"What are you doing? Simon asked, not wanting the other boy to go.

-Going home. Harry casually said. I think I've had experienced high school parties enough for tonight. He continued zipping his trousers and putting his shirt on. Simon looked at him unable to say a word. Normally, he was always the one to leave the person wanting more and craving for him to stay, but there, the roles were reversed, and Simon really didn't like that. Well don't stare at me like that, get dressed. Harry threw Simon his underwear. I'll wait for you at the front door. Don't take too long though or I'll leave without you."And Simon obeyed. He got dressed quickly and met Harry at the front door. He had never seen this part of Harry before, but quite frankly, he didn't mind it. In all honesty, he even found it very attractive. They walked back to Harry's place in an utter silence. It wasn't weird or anything though, it was a relaxing silence where they both enjoyed each other's company. And they were tired too. The walk to get back to Harry's house seemed shorter as they were both replaying what had just happened in their minds. The honey blond boy opened the door of his house quietly and they both rushed to Harry's room making as little noise as possible. Once in his room, Harry kissed Simon again, not that the other boy was minding it. "Sorry, Harry said pulling away, I had to know if tonight was real or if it was some kind of perfect dream.

-Don't ever apologize for kissing me again." Simon sternly said surprising Harry. Simon laid down on Harry's bed, pulling the shorter boy on top of him. They fell asleep pretty fast, worn out by what had happened earlier in the night. The next day, Harry woke up Simon's arms. He hadn't dream last night after all, it really had happened. A smile automatically appeared on his face as he saw Simon was still asleep. He looked adorable as always. "What? Simon said in a raspy voice. Damn Simon's morning voice was sexy.

-Nothing. Harry chuckled.

-I feel you staring at me. Simon complained opening his eyes slowly.

-Hi. Harry breathed, biting his lower lip and looking up at Simon.

-Do you always look this gorgeous in the morning or is it just something you did for me? Simon asked teasingly running his hand up and down Harry's cheek.

-I guess I'm naturally gorgeous because believe it or not I haven't done anything. Simon chuckled and leaned for a kiss which ended up in a make-out session.

-Hey Bog can... A voice said opening the door,...Oh my god, sorry, nevermind. And the person shut the door. Harry and Simon pulled away, caught off guards by the voice.

-What the fuck? Was that Cal freezy? Simon expressed. Harry nodded looking nervous. What is he doing here? Simon asked confused.

-He lives here. Harry timidly said. My mom is dating his dad... Simon looked at him for a few seconds, taking in the information Harry had just told him.

-Freezy is your step-brother? He frowned.

-Yeah. Harry let out barely audible.

-He won't tell anyone what he saw right? Simon asked worriedly. He couldn't come out like that could he? People at school hearing that he'd been seen making out with some other kid. Him. Simon Minter.

-He won't don't worry, I'll talk to him. Harry said. He would've done anything to make Simon love him. So if he had to convince Cal to keep quiet even though he was known to gossip, he would. Simon smiled and kissed him again. A good day was looming in, Simon thought. Are you hungry? I could go get us some cereals if you want. Harry proposed.

-Do you have Coco Pops? Simon questioned looking straight into the sea blue-eyes of the boy next to him. Jesus, he had forgotten how beautiful they were. He could stare at them forever, but if he kept staring Harry might think he is weird, so he looked away.

-I do actually. I'll be right back." Harry announced, leaving the room, which gave Simon an opportunity to check him out. The taller boy checked his phone and saw he had a few messages from JJ so he pressed the notification. "Jiddle🤪🤠: Where are you fam?" "Jiddle🤪🤠: Did you leave?" "Jiddle🤪🤠: Alright, just text me tomorrow so I know you're not dead". So he proceeded to answer: " Siman👽: Hey bruv sorry for not replying earlier" "Siman👽: I'm fine tho so no need to fill a missing person report lol". Once he was done replying, he put his phone down and Harry came back with two bowls of Coco Pops. They proceeded to eat it while chattering and Harry managed to convince Simon to do a movie marathon that afternoon. Useless to say that by the time Simon thought he should probably go home, it was already dark out. So, because Harry said it probably wasn't safe for Simon to go back home, walking alone in the streets of London, and because he said he would feel less stressed knowing Simon was here with him, the taller boy decided to spend another night at Harry's place. Not that he minded it though, he was very happy to get to spend another night with the honey blonde. The next day, Freezy went to play football with a couple of his mates from school, and Simon and Harry tagged along. They really had fun that afternoon, jumping into each other's arms whenever someone scored a goal and complaining every time one of their mates made a "foul". Overall, the afternoon went by very quickly and this time, Simon had to go home. He, Harry, Lux, and Freezy were the last ones to leave the park, laughing at Lux's none existent goalkeeping skills, or at Harry's missed tackle. Eventually, they all said goodbye to each other, Harry hugging Simon a little tighter than you would do with a friend, feeling heavy-hearted as the other boy walked away. Simon felt like that too. He had just left, yet he was already missing Harry. God, he was pathetic. He was really crushing that hard? What on earth happened to him to make him act like a teenage girl obsessed with her crush? He mentally face slapped himself, trying to stop himself from thinking about the gorgeous boy he was falling for. He couldn't let himself all for Harry though. What would people say if they noticed he had feelings for Harry? They'd probably bully him into quitting the football team, which was unimaginable for Simon, and he'd go from popular to a freak in no time. So, he decided that tomorrow he'd tell JJ he had completed the bet and he'll be able to go back to his normal life. His life before Harry was living in his head rent-free. But would he be able to ghost the smaller boy? To just stop talking to him? He decided it was a problem for another day and stopped thinking about what could happen in the future.

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