Chapter 3: Encounter

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end of the previous chapter

 Simon was happy that Harry accepted to come. The bet will be over tomorrow, he thought, thinking he could get Harry drunk and he'll accept to sleep with him. 

Chapter 3: (1008 words)

Simon felt a wave of sadness crashing on him, it was sad that he had to get Harry drunk to even have the possibility to sleep with him. What if Harry regrets sleeping with Simon the next day? He thought, not knowing why it mattered so much. He already had plenty of one night stands with drunk people and he never cared about how they felt after, so why did he care this time? It was probably because that time he had planned to get the person drunk. He didn't care about a guy he had just met right? Ok, he was aware of Harry's existence before today but since he didn't know his name yet, he didn't count it as a proper meeting. He had to admit he had always found Harry mysterious though. Sometimes he would look at him in English class and try to figure out what the other boy was thinking about. "Damn JJ and his stupid ideas", Simon muttered sitting on a bench in the park. He exhaled loudly looking at the clouds. For a deep thinker like him, being alone in nature with his thoughts was a good thing, it allowed him to organize his ideas and his thoughts reflecting on which ones were good and which ones sucked. He stayed there for a while, thinking, when he felt someone sit next to him. "You live near here? The voice asked shyly. Simon automatically recognized the honey blonde's voice, smiling as he turned his head towards him.

-About twenty minutes away. You? He said gently looking at him from head to toe before fixing his gaze on Harry's eyes. The other boy looked down blushing which amused Simon. He really was shy, wasn't he?

-Five minutes away. Harry's voice was hesitant as if he was unsure if talking to Simon was a good idea or not. Simon nodded, looking back at the clouds. After a minute or so, Harry spoke again. Thanks for inviting me to the party by the way, it was really nice of you. Harry looked at Simon, waiting for an answer.

-Anytime, Simon smiled, it does look like you need more friends. Harry winced embarrassed. Was it that obvious he didn't have many friends that even a popular guy like Simon Minter noticed it? I didn't mean to offend you. Simon hurried to say when he saw the wince on his face.

-Oh no, it's fine, you're right you know. Harry replied nonchalantly, shifting his gaze from the ground to Simon's face.

-If it helps I think you look like a nice guy." Simon said genuinely smiling. Harry smiled back and the two boys started talking. Throughout the conversation Harry became more at ease with Simon, cracking a few jokes, and they ended up talking for a few hours, laughing and having a good time. After all, maybe he wouldn't have to get Harry drunk to make him sleep with him, he might even enjoy sleeping with Harry. Simon shook off those thoughts as he said goodbye to the honey blonde boy. "Get home safe alright? Harry voiced.

-Sure mum. Simon chuckled, stealing a little laugh from Harry.

-Next time if you want we could go to my house, it would be cozier. Harry said hesitantly. After all, he wasn't sure there was going to be a next time. MaybeSimon didn't enjoy their time together as much as he did.

-Sure, and you'll show me back to the future. Simon chirped, pacifying Harry's doubts.

-Yes! It's outrageous that you've never seen that film! It's one of the most iconic films ever made! Harry's nagging made Simon laugh slightly.

-We'll do that then. I'll see you tomorrow at Josh's party. Harry nodded smiling before a frown appeared on his face as Simon was starting to walk away.

-Wait. He called. I don't have Josh's address. Simon turned around retracing his steps to Harry.

-Giving your phoneI'll give you my phone number and I'll send you the address when I get home. He put his hand out and Harry gave him his phone. He typed fora while before giving his phone back to Harry. Now I really gotta go or my mum is going to worry." Harry nodded and watched as Simon walked away. He really liked the taller boy. He felt at ease with him, as though he could truly be himself, which he didn't feel with a lot of people. He decided to go home, it was late after all and he didn't have much to do out anyway. Once he got home, he showered and when he was done he looked at his phone and saw he had just received a text."Your favorite guy ;)" he read. Who is that? He thought. Intrigued he clicked on the notification, bringing him to the conversation."Your favorite guy ;):699Manchester Road, London, SE78 6JP.

Your favorite guy ;): I'll see you there 😉"

Harry couldn't help but grin at his phone. "Haz: I wouldn't miss it :)".He charged his phone, getting into bed, thinking about Simon. He had first seen Simon when they had had their first English class. He noticed him right away, smiling and laughing with some of his football mates. When he had asked Freezy about him, Callum told him his name was Simon Minter, and Harry automatically recognized that name. He heard a few people talk about Simon, the footballer, the popular kid. Since then, he was observing him from a distance. He didn't know why but he was drawn to him, it was like when he saw him, his day got brighter. He had wanted to talk to him for forever but he never got the courage due to his shyness, until today. He was really thankful he accepted to tutor Tobi because thanks to that he had been able to talk to Simon, finally. He quickly fell asleep, excited about the next day. 

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