Chapter 9: the truth always comes out

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End of the previous chapter: 

-Are you sure you're ok with hiding it?" He asked tugging on Harry's hair. And for only response, Harry kissed him passionately. He was the happiest person on earth at that moment. It was everything around them had disappeared. At this moment the only thing that mattered was that Simon Minter liked him back. 

Chapter 9: ( 1544 words)

After that kiss, they agreed that keeping their relationship hidden was only temporary and Simon agreed to let Harry tell Vik about it. He could maybe tell JJ. After all, he was his best friend. But he had to be sure Jide would keep quiet and knowing him, he would probably use this information to tease him. The next day, Harry told Vik about what had happened in the classroom the day before and the Indian boy was pleased for his friend. Harry really was lucky to have a friend like Vik by his side, always wishing the best for him and supportive of everything he chose to do. As for Simon, he decided he would wait a few days before telling JJ. He was going to tell him he had fulfilled the bet, and that he was now dating Harry. That way, JJ couldn't ask him if they could stop hanging out with the honey blonde boy. DatingHarry was really life-changing for Simon, and even if they hid it in school, they couldn't help exchanging loving glances whenever they saw the other, smiling like idiots. Simon's friends had seen that he seemed to be getting happier, not really grasping what had happened and why he was back to his normal self, but they weren't complaining about it, glad to have the old Simon back. Tobi suspected that Simon had feelings for Harry though. He was seeing the way they were looking at each other, and how Simon's face always seemed to light up whenever he saw Harry. He decided he would keep his suspicions for himself. Simon would tell him when he'll feel ready to tell him, there was no need for Tobi to confront his friend about something that wasn't his business. After a week or so of happily dating Harry, Simon thought it was time to tell JJ. The dark-skin boy was asking him about their bet more and more, and nowadays, he even was just asking about Harry, randomly. He had arranged to meet with JJ at Starbucks that afternoon. That's how he found himself sitting in a Starbucks, nervously waiting for Olajide, texting Harry to distract himself from the waiting. Jide finally arrived 10 minutes late and sat down at the other side of the table. "Sorry, I'm late. I got in an argument with my brother and you know how this thing goes. The dark-skinned male said catching his breath. He must've run here Simon thought.

-No worries. Simon smiled, putting his phone down. Should we get something to drink?

-Sure. JJ chirped, getting up to go order. Once they were loaded with coffee, Simon started.

-So... You remember our bet?  He cautiously asked.

-Yeah of course. You have to sleep with the shy boy. JJ casually said. It kinda seems like you don't want to bone him though because it's been what, almost a month since I dared you to do this and you still haven't done it. JJ laughed.

-I actually did. Jide looked at him with a mix of shock and excitement on his face. I slept with Harry. Now that the bet is fulfilled I hope you'll stop bothering me with it. Simon let out. It felt good to finally admit it to JJ. He didn't like keeping things from him.

-No way you actually did?! He asked in disbelief as Simon nodded.

-Here, look. He handed Olajide his phone, showing him the picture he took the night he and Harry had slept together.

-This is at Josh's place? Simon nodded.Well. Mad respect dude. JJ continued, giving Simon his phone back.

-That's not all actually. Simon added to JJ's surprise. I am now... Hum... How can I put this? Harry and I we... We are a thing.

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