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Hey, my wonderful readers!

So, this is a new book that CharoletteBuurn and I are doing. Both of us are super hyped to write this together and I hope all you wonderful people are excited to read it.

Anyways, this is the summary. Enjoy!

Things have been about as normal as normal can get for the hermits. Minimal changes to their routines and the typical ups and downs of life.

But when a very rare spontaneous phenomenon occurs out of the blue, chaos begins to run its course. With the hermits inheriting special "gifts", everyone's panicking and not all the hermits are as levelheaded as others are. Some worry about what life will be like now that they've gained certain abilities that have changed their lives forever.

But the hermits were chosen for a specific reason, during a time where a great evil encroaches on their home with the intent to corrupt it. Can the hermits work together as the warriors they were always destined to be and use their gifts to defeat this evil that threatens their very way of life? Or will their beloved home be consumed by destruction and make them believe that their gifts are really just curses?
So, this is what we have planned. Please message CharoletteBuurn or I if you have any ideas for this and who should transform into what, along with the added abilities that come with the creature companion.

This book has a modern/superhero theme with a fantasy vibe to it that will definitely come through if you squint.

I'm super psyched about this because it's not really something that you see very often.

Also, check out the first two chapters of this book.

The Gifted Curse [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now