Chapter 3: Icy Whiteout

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Hey, everyone!

I'm back with the longest chapter thus far for this book.

So, sit back and enjoy this beautiful chapter of Iskall and Stress.

Written by @PhoenixFire_K20
Word Count: 3020


The quiet afternoon is rather peaceful in the small port town of Avalon. Everyone is going about their normal lives, getting their work done.

In the healer's hut, Iskall paces nervously. He holds his hands behind his back as he walks back and forth, unable to contain his worry.

Stress, his wife of nearly three years, has been feeling unwell for the past couple days and it's made him very anxious, thinking that she's sick with something.

The healer pokes her head ou through the curtain. "Iskall, you can come in now," she says, waving him inside the room.

Iskall pulls the curtain back and walks over to Stress, standing behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders.

"So, all of Stress's vitals are good," the healer starts. "No illnesses or ailments whatsoever. You've got a clean bill of health."

"But what's causing me to be sick?" Stress asks, concerned.

The healer chuckles. "I'm surprised to admit this, but all the signs are there," she explains. "The constant vomiting, the dizziness, fatigue."

"What does that mean?" Iskall asks, now impatient.

The healer sighs and shakes her head ruefully. "You're having a baby," she replies, a smile on her face. "Congratulations."

Iskall and Stress turn with shocked looks on their faces.

"I'll leave you two to let it sink in," the healer says, walking out.

Iskall leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, running his fingers through his hair. "I can't believe it!" he nearly yells, rocked to his core.

"We're actually gonna have a baby," Stress adds, letting her head fall back so she's looking up at the ceiling.

Iskall turns and puts a hand against her flat stomach. "We're gonna spoil our baby so much," he says, rubbing his thumb gently on her stomach.

Stress lifts her head and places her hand over his. "Yeah, we're gonna be the best parents we can," she agrees, squeezing his hand in hers.

They share a tight hug with each other at this news.


Two months later...

Iskall, his crossbow in hand, rides after the deer he shot with a custom arrow he carved himself.

He halts his horse several feet from the buck, the animal having fallen down with no intention of returning to its feet.

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