Chapter 1: 31st July

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In the Wizarding world, there were only very few survived. Among them were James Potter, Lily Potter, Severus Snape, the Dark Lord, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Malfoys, Weasleys, Hagrid, Sirius Black, a few Death Eaters, and Aurors, Remus Lupin. 

Pepper Virginia Potter was James Potter's own sister. She studied at Illvermony and very few knew about her existence.

Pepper was resting on the couch beside Lily.

"Okay F.R.I.D.A.Y set a date.."

"Tony I think it's time" Pepper yells.

"WHAT ?" Tony exclaims spilling his coffee on James's shirt.

"James Pepper is right," Lily says.

Tony and James rush with the women to St Mungo's. Very few people are there because of snap.

In the delivery room, the screams of two women were haunting the entire corridor. In the corridor stood people with anxiety, walking with thoughts inside their minds.

"Isn't it weird both having their kids on the same date and time and not to mention," Natasha says, impatiently.

"The SAME PLACE" Sirius exclaims. "What do you think Remus, a boy or a girl ?"

"Or both? Maybe"

Inside the room, after quite a struggle, the two doctors exclaim together,

"It's a boy"

"It's a girl".

Tony and James take them in their hands."Just like me", they both exclaim.

"Oh I can't handle one more Tony"

"I can't handle one more James" 

The new mothers exclaimed together. After a few hours, finally, everyone could meet them.

Tony Stark holds up his little angel and says, "Welcome a new member of the Stark family, Morgan Howard Stark!! With ....okay CHEERS everyone"

Everyone cheers. 

"CHEERS" Sirius says kissing the little girl's forehead.

James holds his prince and declares, "Welcome to our family, Harry James Potter."

Everyone cheers. Whilst in happiness, Dumbledore's mind is preoccupied with thoughts. He thinks is it really coincidence for both the kids to be born at the same time, data, and place. However fate seems to be sad with the family's happiness .

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