Chapter 10: The Buzz

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Their first outing as a family came a week later. They didn't tell anyone, they just booked a table at Tony's favorite Burger Restaurant for three under the name 'Potts'.

They didn't bother to book a privacy suite; they just wanted to be normal, despite Tony's celebrity status. Morgan wasn't truly aware of how famous her father was. Having decided to retire to a cabin, on a secluded piece of land, away from civilization, it had enabled Morgan to grow up unaware of much of the larger world. She knew something bad had happened before and after she'd been born but the extent of it, she'd been too young to know the details.

They arrived at the restaurant early enough, around five in the afternoon. There were not many people there, though the ones who were stopped eating and drinking to stare as Tony and his family walked past.

Sitting at a table in the corner did give them a small amount of privacy.

Morgan gives the order when Tony's called out the waiter," fries and cheeseburger for me and for dad the same whilst Mom should... order a vegetarian burger.....with a side of salad."

Other customers kept their distance through both Tony and Pepper got the impression they wanted to say something to him but because they had Morgan with them they were respecting their right to family time.

Tony did become aware a few photos were taken of him discreetly sitting at the table. Thankfully they had arranged for Morgan to be sitting with her back to the other guests, ensuring they wouldn't be able to publish her face but her photos are online, as he was sure the photos of him would be spread online as quickly as possible. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if they didn't already have them on social media.

"Enjoying your burger, little miss?" asked Tony. He'd already finished his. She nodded, her chin covered in ketchup, which Tony helped her rub away with her napkin.

"Cheeseburgers are the best"

"I thought I was the best?" asked Tony quietly.

"No.... you're the best daddy!" giggled Morgan. "And mummy is the best mummy!"

"And you're the best Morgan," replied Tony.

"No. I'm the best ever!"

"That's what I said!" continued Tony, feigning surprise at his daughter.

Morgan shook her head, her hair falling about her shoulders. "Uh-huh. Best Morgan isn't the same as being the best ever!"

Tony held up his hands. "Alright, little miss, you win!"

Morgan smiled. Pepper burst out laughing.

They enjoyed a leisurely dinner and when it was time to leave, Tony picked Morgan up and hid her face in his shoulder.

They walked past the other patrons before one of them, stood from his table and started to clap, smiling broadly as Tony walked past."Thank you, Mr. Stark, for everything you've done!" the man said.

Tony stopped at the man's table.

Morgan peered around at the man."Daddy, what have you done?"

Tony gently turned Morgan's face away. "One day daddy will tell you the story about the giant purple grape from space who wanted to invade the planet, but not just yet... You'll have to wait until you are older to hear that one!"

"But I wanna hear about the purple grape now!" moaned Morgan into his shoulder.

Tony chuckled and turned his attention back to the man. "Thank you."

"Enjoy your retirement, Mr. Stark," the man added. "You've earned it."

Tony inclined his head and said, "I am still Iron Man" and smiled.

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