Chapter 8

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THE COST OF BRINGING EVERYONE BACK AFTER THE DECIMATION: Natasha Romanoff gives her life and Tony Stark critically injured in the moment of sacrifice

All over the world, the story was coursing through the media. Ever since Pepper's press release regarding Tony's status the papers and news had blown up, even as the Governments attempted to bring some semblance of normality back to the planet. There was so much chaos that Natasha's vital sacrifice was being overlooked.

Following Pepper's press statement, the Avengers, in conjunction with governments across the world, released their own statement.

Steve had been tasked with holding a press conference, a task which had been delegated to him in Tony's absence and the fact he had become the face of the Avengers during the previous five years, though the Avengers team hadn't really been needed. They'd all tried to move on or help others to do so. The world's survivors of the Decimation had all been told what had happened in 2018, how the Avengers had fought bravely to stop Thanos from winning. They had never clarified what weapons Thanos had used to kill half the population. The world was aware it wasn't just Earth that had been affected: it was the entire universe

The Avengers had decided to be truthful – to some extent. They had never released the information Thor had murdered Thanos in 2018. The Avengers all realized the Thanos they had fought – and who Tony had killed – had been one from the past, where there was now an alternate timeline where Thanos and his army had just vanished. Nebula had explained what had happened to her when she and Rhodey had gone to Morag to retrieve the Power Stone. How she had been captured because of the network link between herself and her younger self. How her younger self had switched roles, infiltrating the team...

No one blamed her. They hadn't considered the network Nebula had run on and Nebula hadn't considered it either; it was a regret she would continue to hold for a long time.

They revealed that Thanos had returned to prevent them from undoing his 'noble' work. Steve explained in detail how the Avengers had brought the stones together (neglecting to mention time-travel and that they'd only found them across the universe and on Earth, scattered in different places).

Bruce refused to take full credit for bringing everyone back. He didn't want it to be known he was the one who had snapped his fingers to restore everyone. The injury to his arm was explained as a severe burn during the battle with Thanos. He didn't believe it was right he should take the whole credit when all six of them had played their part in bringing the Infinity Stones together. Tony and Nat deserved the credit because of what they had suffered to succeed. Nat had died and Tony still might...

They emphasized Natasha's role and how she had sacrificed herself to ensure the capture of one of the Stones. They wanted to give her as much credit as possible because, without her sacrifice, everyone would not have been returned. And then there was Tony's role.

Scott had given them the theory of time-travel but it had been Tony who had applied the theory to practice and used Hank Pym's Quantum technology in order to ensure the success of their mission.

"This mission to bring everyone back who died five years ago would not have succeeded if Tony hadn't invented the vital equipment we needed to pull our mission off. Finding the stones wasn't easy. When Thanos arrived to stop us when he decided he was going to destroy the universe and start over... When he tried to take the weapons from us... He nearly succeeded. We all fought against him, trying to stop him, but he was so determined to achieve his goal. I was knocked out... Thor was down... and... then there was Tony..." Steve sighed, bowing his head.

"Tony's technology has advanced so much since he started building Iron Man suits. His suit can materialize from a small Arc Reactor, cover his whole body and he can use the technology to create whatever he needs. Tony used his suit discreetly to steal the weapons from Thanos. He used them against Thanos and his army, destroying them all and saved not just Earth but the universe. But the power he held was too much for Tony. The destructive power of the weapons he wielded left him with critical injuries and near system failure. He is being treated at an undisclosed location for his injuries. It was only through the quick actions of several of our comrades that Tony is still alive. I will not hide you from the fact that........"

"I AM IRON MAN" A voice echoed. Everyone looked from where the voice came from. The doors open revealing Tony Stark with his wife and daughter.

Everyone stood from where they sitting and all eyes gazed the hero who saved them and his little daughter who walked to the stage holding hands, even though Tony's right hand was heavily banged.

"I am absolutely fine, guys take your seats," Tony said taking his seat.

"Mr. Stark, Captain Steve told us you were critically injured.."

"I am gonna stop you right there. I am Iron Man, you think anything can stop me. I am here to give my own statement," Tony said pushing Steve aside," May I Cap?"

"Yes of course," Steve said turning back.

"......... I hope the families are reunited. We have got all that we lost. And the more realistic version of the planet has been restored if there was such a thing, God What World, No UNIVERSE."

"For first and last thank you, everyone, for their blessing if doctors and my comrades wouldn't have been there at the right time, I wouldn't be here, but I am back. AND I AM IRON MAN" Tony completed and everyone applauded for him.

"You have said that three times, but why?" Morgan asked when Tony took his seat beside her.

"Because I am"

"YOU ARE IRON MAN" Morgan replied when Steve was still explaining the press. And before they all left for their house in woods, Tony announced something,

"MEET MY DAUGHTER, Morgan P. Stark" dragging Morgan in front of the press.

The press was surely gone mad.

Morgan was a mirror of Tony's brownish-black hair, brown eyes, and his smile. Everything was a copy of Tony expect gender.

The social media was on the buzz with Morgan's revelation, Natasha's sacrifice, and with everyone who came back.

Even in the Wizarding world, wizards and witches were grateful to the Avengers.

Strange was not now so guilty and his mind stressed on a prophecy made four years ago about You Know Who Shall Not Be Name when they were all vanished. Even though that villain belonged to the Wizarding world, he posed a great threat to the rest of the world.

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