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It was 6'o'clock in the morning when Morgan wake up by a clanging in the kitchen.They made another clang. Murmurs downstairs interrupted Morgan's thoughts. She started going downstairs.

Once reaching the end of the staircase, the murmurs got louder as she walked nearer the kitchen. She was slowly peaking inside when suddenly –

"THOR! THE CAKE!" a voice boomed. 

Morgan jumped, not of fear but of confusion. Morgan walked inside and there her whole superfamily was looking at a God of Thunder, who was staring at them with false innocence. 

"Great job, Thor! You ruined Morgan's cake!" Harley said.

"What's happening here?" Morgan asked. Everyone suddenly turned to her, all of their faces flashed shock then shifted to guilt then sadness.

"Morgan! You're awake-" Sam cuts Tony off.

"No shit Sherlock."

"SAM!" all the women screamed at him while Steve screamed, "LANGUAGE!"

Cassie who was closer to Morgan ran to her and held his hands in Morgan's ears while Peter held his hands on Nathaniel's ears and Harley did the same to Ethan. While Peter closed Harry's ears.

Still with head tilted the Avengers all screamed at each other and Morgan watched in amusement. This was a normal thing in the compound when everyone was awake.

"THE FLOOR IS LAVAAAAA!" Harry screamed while they scrambled to the island counter. Everyone then started panicking and started clambered to find a high place to jump to. Clint's two kids made their way out fast into the living room.

Being in the kitchen there was limited space, Peter climbed on the walls, Pepper climbed on Tony's back while Tony squished himself on the island seat. Steve, Buck, and Sam sat on the counter, Bruce and Nat were squished inside the platform of the pantry. Clint climbed inside the air vent while Loki teleported himself with Ethan. Wanda floated herself with Cassie. Strange did the same as Wanda with a hanging Harley on his back. Nathaniel climbed on Loki's back sitting on his shoulders calmly while Rhodes and Scott climbed on Uncle Thor and being the biggest out of all of us the God of Thunder did not have space to climb up on so –

"UNCLE THOR'S OUT!" Morgan  screamed out. Looking at everyone, Morgan and Harry busted out laughing and clenched their stomach.

The group clambered out of the places they were in and dusted themselves off.


"Thank you," Morgan and Harry said in unison.

After that fiasco in the morning, everyone ate their breakfast – courtesy of Bucky and Steve. At lunch, they all went to Central Park. After a few hours at the park, they when back all tired.

As they arrived at the tower, Morgan took a nap while Strange used the portal to send Harry back at Durselys. Clint and his family said bye as they took off for their home.

The group was silently observing Morgan sitting on the coffee table.

"She was just so small I used to take her on in my arm but now look," Bucky said.

"She does fit but.," Rhodey said.

"She is growing," Steve said.

"I am not ready to see her boyfriend," Sam said.

"Sam, when you teach her how to flirt that doesn't hurt?" Wanda asked.

"I agree on that" Loki said.


"Thor first drink then speak, " Natasha said.

"But remember she will be going..." Strange was cut off by Harley and Peter's scream.

"Morgan!" Harley and Peter called as they ran into the living room. "There's a letter for you! "

"Who's the letter from?" Morgan asked, confused rubbing her eyes who was awakened by her brothers. "I don't get letters from anyone. More importantly, who still uses the mail these days?"

"NO IDEA!" Bruce remarked.

"Email is so much more efficient."

Seeing their angel speaking just like Tony, the group first looked at Tony who blushed and laughter filled the heavily decorated room.

"I don't know who the letter is from, Morg," Harley replied as he took a seat.

Morgan began reading the letter, with Harley and Peter looking at her and back at the Avengers who were trying to hold their chuckle.

After a few moments of silence, Harley and Peter saw that Morgan was staring, her mouth slightly agape, at the letter, she had opened. It was a thick, yellowish parchment which Harley that found odd.

"What does it say, Honey?" Tony asked Morgan leaving his conversation with Steve.

"Apparently, It says I'm a witch," Morgan replied looking at her Dad. Harley chokes on his coffee whilst everyone started cheering.

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