Chapter 5: The Third Chance

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Dr. Strange had always known Tony Stark was the essential piece to Thanos' ultimate defeat. He'd spared Tony's life for a reason. But only so he could die at the right time. Ever since seeing what Tony would have to do to end the threat of Thanos for good, Strange had tried to think of ways to save the man, to avoid the painful death that awaited him. To ensure he lived to see his daughter grow up. He'd hated the man when he first met him. Hated that he owed his life to him.

The following snap of armored fingers against each other echoed across the battlefield, stunning the ongoing fighters into silence.

Janet Van Dyne found herself glancing desperately across the area, trying to find the one who called himself 'Iron Man.' She understood the power that had rippled through all of them. She knew the damage it would do. She could help him, if given enough time.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Hank asked, pulling her away from one of Thanos's soldiers as he - it? - crumbled to ash in front of them.

"I can save him, Hank," she pleaded, clutching his hand between both of hers. "I know I can! Each of those stones has traveled through the Quantum Realm, they are now connected to the Quantum Realm. I can heal him!"

"Heal who?" Hank demanded. "Stark?"

"If that is his name, then yes." Janet turned around to see that Hope now stood beside her. "Please take me to him, Hope. There isn't much time."

Hope nodded, flicking her mask down and lifting her mother up, the wings of her suit straining but carrying them quickly enough across the battlefield. Or so Janet prayed. Time was of the essence. She knew there was a chance she would not be able to restore Stark's hand that wore the gauntlet, but she could keep his soul in his body. What good was the ability to heal if she didn't use it?

'Stark was a nuisance, a rather brash, rude person who thought he knew best. And yet, in the one path of success he had seen, the one outcome in which they won, Stark died. Stark knowingly sacrificed his life.....' Thought Strange, and these thoughts too will be in everyone's mind.

'....Giving up his own happiness and his own future to save the entire universe.......'

'......Committing the most selfless act...'

'......An act he would never have thought possible of Stark.....'

When the light cleared, the water Strange had been trying to hold back was being supported by the other sorcerers and Wong was there, next to him.

"Communicate Dumbledore" Strange told Wong. "Go, fast."

Strange took off.

'Janet Van Dyne, Magic and Technology will save him, another alternative.' Strange thought.

There might be a small hope to save Stark's life. He wasn't dead yet. In the future he had seen where Stark died, Strange had been predisposed in trying to stop the water from flooding the crater where the Avengers Facility had once sat. He had been unable to help him and there was still a chance now that Wong and the others had taken over...Cloak flapping behind him he ran towards where Stark sat. Not many people had noticed Stark's injuries. They were all too busy looking around at the dust that had once been Thanos and his army. Stark had done to Thanos what he had done to the rest of the universe. He saw Stark's friends and wife arrive, skidding to a halt just to the side of them, as Pepper was crouching down to be with her husband in his final moments.

Hope landed her behind a small crowd who had gathered in front of the legendary Tony Stark. As tempted as Janet was to push her way to the front and heal him immediately, she waited. And she watched.

Stark's friend and the spider-kid glanced at him, their faces rimmed with tears. The kid was trembling.

A young boy with brown hair was kneeling in front of the armored man. Even from a distance, Janet could see how the dust and blood coated on his face was streaked with tears.

"Hey, Mr. Stark, we won," the kid choked out, reaching towards the man before pulling away. "We won, Mr. Stark! You did it. You did it." The kid furiously rubbed his eyes. "Tony, please don't go..."

Janet felt a lump form in her throat. The child's actions reminded her so much of Hope, when she had been younger. Or perhaps it hurt too much to imagine Hope in the boy's place.

A young woman with blonde hair and wearing armor similar to Stark's gently pulled the boy away, taking his place in front of whom Janet presumed was her husband.

"Hey, Pep," Stark coughed. Blood trickled down out of the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, Friday..." She said and gently placed her hand on his arc reactor. He rested his hand onto hers.

"Life functions critical," FRIDAY said and Tony smiled, with tears in his eyes.

"You've done it." She brushed the dirt and blood from his forehead before leaning and kissing him on the cheek. Janet didn't fail to notice the grief in her eyes, as much as the woman tried to put on a brave face.

"Listen, Tony, we're gonna be okay. You can rest now." She said.

Pepper dropped her head, letting out deep and heavy sobs, crying into his shoulder.

Everyone watched, tears in their eyes as a wife said goodbye to her husband. A mother said goodbye to the father of her children. Their teammate saying goodbye to the love of her life.

Janet's own heart skipped a beat as the arc reactor in Stark's chest flickered before going out. Unable to stop herself, she pushed through the crowd and dropped to her knees in front of the famed hero.

"I can heal him," she begged. Everyone sitting on their knees paying tribute, stood up and gazed Janet.

"Please, if you will allow me to, I can." She placed her hand on his chest. "He is still alive. He is dying, but he is not yet dead."

Pepper, seemed at a loss for words, her eyes wide as she remained frozen.

"I will save him," Strange said.

"Please heal him!" the boy from earlier pleaded, grabbing her arm as he choked back a sob. "Please! I can't lose another dad. I can't. Not again. Not like this. Please."

Janet turned back to Stark's wife, who was covering her mouth with her hand in shock as silent tears fell down her cheeks. "With your permission."The woman breathed a shuddering gasp, then nodded.

"Yes. Save him."

Janet did her work, now it was Strange's turns.

Kneeling down beside the stricken man, Strange reached out for the Time Stone, releasing it from its place in Stark's Gauntlet. The stones, which had moved into place via the nanites in Stark's suit had shifted back to a neutral position allowing the Sorcerer to take possession of it.

Placing the stone back into the Eye of Agamotto Strange wore around his neck, Strange twisted the stone, spinning it three times, focusing his magic upon Stark's failing body.

Stark's body went completely still, frozen, hard as anything, almost like ice, but without the effect of freezing.

"What did you do?" Pepper's voice broke through.

Strange shifted on his knees, his gaze directed at Stark's wife.

"I've frozen his body in time. Whilst he is in this state he cannot die. With Mrs. Pym has done her part it's now my,and doctors work to save him who saved us"

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