Chapter 8- Good News For The Happy Couple! {Edited}

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"I can't fit anything!" Keira screamed at the top of her lung. "I look like a fat cow!"

Keira ranted on and on about her looks inside Sean's penthouse closet. He was sitting on his bed waiting for Keira to get dress so they could go to her doctors appointment to find out the sex of the baby. Sean was filled with joy.

Keira was now five months pregnant and was so beautiful yet she continued to call herself fat. Her belly was getting round and her thighs were getting fuller. She was definitely one of those women who were still sexy while pregnant. So Sean thought.

"You look beautiful in anything," he complemented her. "Just put on anything, we're going to be late."

"You're just saying that!" She came out the closet in a pair of black leggings and pink polka dot tank top.

"Just wear my sweat jacket," Sean suggested. "Your going to lift up your shirt anyways."

"I can't fit your sweat jacket," she yelled at him.

Sean got up and went to the closet. He grabbed his jacket of the hanger and went back to Keira. Putting the jacket over her head, he helped her arm in sleeves and smirked at her when it fitted over her. It was slightly baggy, but nevertheless she definitely looked beautiful on his clothes.

"And you can't fit it?" Sean teased. "Now let's hurry and go."



It didn't take so long to get to the doctors offices because traffic was nonexistent. Keira was very exited about knowing the sex of the baby. She told Sean that she didn't care about they sex of the baby, as long as its healthy.

He'd agreed but at the same time he wouldn't mind with having a healthy baby boy. It would be nice to call the baby Sean Jr.. Keira laughed and said that she didn't want a junior but if it was a boy, she loved the name Micah.

"So Keira any weird cravings?" Dr.Shepard made conversation with the couple while getting the machine warmed up.

"Not really, but I really want some hot wings right now," Keira confided

Dr.Shepard laughed at the expected mother while Sean scowled. "You don't need hot wings. Don't want to upset the baby."

"What about sensitivity to smell? For some odd reason my patients tell me the smell of eggs."

Keira shook her head. "Other than Sean cologne, I'm fine."

"Well, let's see how your baby is doing today."

Dr.Shepard proceeded the exam and showed the couple their baby on the monitor.

"Nice steady heartbeat. At this stage, you baby is able to hear you conversations."

"So wait," Sean said. "Is it safe to have sex still?" Keira blushed and looked from Sean and back to the doctor.

"Yes , it's safe. Just make sure you don't add pressure on her stomach. The farther along she is, spooning would be best." Sean smiled down at Keira and winked. "So do you guys want to know the sex of the baby?"

"Yes!" They said in unison.

They both waited what felt like forever, for Dr. Shepard to tell them. "Congratulations, It's a boy," Dr. Shepard said brightly.

Sean stared at the monitor as the doctor pointed. He was having a little boy.

A son.

It was a feeling he couldn't describe with words. The one thing he didn't know though, was that he loved his son already. He couldn't wait to hold him in his arms and be there for him, showing him how to becoming a man.

Sean couldn't wait! He looked down at Keira who had tears in her eyes as she stared at the monitor as well. When there eyes connected, Sean knew that this was the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. The mother of his child and in the future, children.

"Now, in ten week your going to come back and will do another checkup to make sure you and the baby are great," Dr. Shepard explained. "Then you will see me every two weeks until you get to the thirty-sixth week, ok?"

"Yes," Keira answer. The doctor left them in the office so Keira could put back on her jacket and leave.

Afterwards, Sean helped Keira get into the car and jogged over to his side. He turned the car on, started to back out, and drive out the parking lot. He glanced over to Keira as she looked outside the window. She seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"What's on you mind?" He asked, and grabbed her hand with his free one.

She squeezed his hand. "Nothing," she simply said. Sean could tell that was a lie because every time she lied, her leg starts to bounce quickly and she bites her bottom lip. All was present to him right now.

"Come on, you can tell me. You know that," Sean said.

"At first, I thought my life would be ruined and everything with the magazine would have to be on pause, you know?" Keira muttered. "But now," she shook her head and looked at Sean.

"I'm so happy right now. We're having a son. A little boy. My father always wanted a grandson," she frowned. "Now he has one and we have to go and share the news."

"You want to go now?" Sean asked.

"Yea, maybe this will finally bring peace after all these months."

Sean made a U-turn at the next light to go to her fathers house. Hopefully this will bring peace because Keira wouldn't tell him, but Sean could tell that she was stressed out. Not talking to her father like she normally did was breaking her heart.

Who caused this? He did. All he had to do was wrapt it up and they would be where they were before he stepped in the picture, but then at the same time he wouldn't have had a son that was now on the way. He wouldn't be trying to build a family with Keira. Maybe for his selfish reasons he would do it all over again.

Sean knew that her dad wanted to chop of his head because they cancelled the 'forced' wedding. He would just have to get over it because they were taking their time. Sean would do it at Keira's pace. They were taking things day by day. Although, Keira had been talking to his parent ls almost everyday, he couldn't wait for them to actually meet her this weekend. She was the one that actually suggested that they go see them. She was coming around, big time.


A/N: Don't hate me, but this is just a filler do that's why it's short! I want to speed the story up but at the same time slow it down to give you guys more chapters.

More fans and more vote?!?! Thank you guys so much! I'm glad you are enjoying the story right now. So as of right now for this chapter I need 5 comments and I'll update the next chapter tonight or tomorrow! :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Stay bless and be safe.



& Fan! :)

~Vicky ;)

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