Chapter: 10: Valentine's Day

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I woke up to Jacklyn calling me non stop. I looked at the time and it was just now hitting 10:30. It's a weekend she better have a good reason for waking me up.

" Were u sleeping" She said
" Yeah what did u want" I said
" Today is February 1st we have to go dress shopping for the dance" she said like it was obvious.
"Ok why so early" I asked getting out of bed and going into the bathroom.

" Uhh because the dance is in two weeks and we need a dress" she said
"Ok but you're buying me food" I said
" Ok I'll be there in 10 do u need my help to get dressed" she asked
"Yes please" I said

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram when Jacklyn called again.
" Yes?"
" Why is there a big thing of flowers on ur front porch." She asked

"What, I'm bout to come look" I rushed down stairs and opened my front door. I seen Jacklyn pointing down and when i look my jaw drops.

It's a big thing of roses and I little note sticking out of it.

" Jackie did u do this" I ask. " Girl why would I put roses on ur porch, does it have a card or anything" she asked.
" Yeah" I said as I leaned down and grabbed it.

" Well what does it say" she asked.

" It says"
" U deserve the world and u will soon get that. I'm to shy to tell u who I am or to ask u to the dance but I already know you'll be the most beautiful thing there, ur secret admirer" I read.

" Awwwww someone has a crush on u" Jacklyn said. I blushed and looked down at the flowers. " Well who ever they are they have good taste in flowers these are beautiful" I said.

" He also has good taste in girls" she says. " " Can u carry this in for me " I asked" sure where do u want them" she said as she bent down and picked them up.

" On my dresser please" I said.

When we got upstairs and she sat them down and turned towards me. " Ok what outfit do u want" she asked
"U can pick" I said. She disappeared into the closet.

I looked towards the dresser where the flowers where. I wonder who sent them. I always wanted little gifts like this. I just always imagined them to be from my mate and not a secret admirer but who ever they are they're really sweet.

" Here, what do u want ur hair to look like?" She said coming out and putting my clothes on the bed." Thinking about ur admirer?" She asked.

" Yeah, I wonder who it could be" I responded looking at the outfit she chose for me. " Well from what they said it seems like they're from school" she said. That immediately made me blush. " Ok let's just get me dressed" I said which made her laugh. (Outfit up top). I got dressed and she did my hair, I decided to keep my hair down.

We got into the car after letting my parents know where we're going. We were driving for about 20 minutes before making it to the mall. We're currently looking at dresses.

" You think it's Cody" she spoke up
" What?" I asked confused.
" That left the flowers, what if he likes u" she said.
" Ugh well the fact that he's been talking to someone on the cheerleader squad and is taking her to the dance would make me think he sent it to the wrong house" I said glancing at her.
" oh" she said. It was silent for a minute then we broke out laughing.

I found two dresses that I liked and Jacklyn found four. She had a white one, two red ones and a pink one.
I had a pink one and a red one but so far I'm leaning more towards the pink. "Ok u go first since u have less dresses, do u need any help? Jacklyn asked.

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