The read

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Yuighama POV
'I'm in China with my parents and Sablè. I wonder how Hikki, Yukinon and everyone is doing without me, I haven't coughed yet so i'm sure nobody has talked about me which is good, I hope they're happy.'
NoOnes POV
It's been 4 days since Yuigahama left prediction is that there will be 3 more day's without her could be longer tho.

Hikigaya POV

'She's reading it frick she'll see, I wrote her name like 5 times in it not good and she'll find out my opinion on Yuigahama.'

What Yukinoshita is currently reading

"Hate her looked down on me first time we made me buy her drinks, when I didn't ask not like, I cared but i'm not rich, I don't have the rich tastes with a wallet as big as my hand, heck Komachi doesn't even get pocket money from out parents I have to give her mine and I have to give like 70% of mine to her i'm gonna be a hobo instead of a house husband damn Yukinoshita's fault, Damn Ice Queen
Will Kill"

P.S Ryuk giveme the death note Light's death now so I can have it right?

"So that's how you thought of me."

"Well ya, although theres more somewhere else."

"Ok then."
Not the reaction, I was expecting but ok

Next part Yukinoshita reads is

Corn Bastard:
"Bastard gave me corn on my birthday, I think his name was Tanaka or whatever, I don't want to talk about after, but I want to kill him
more than Yukinoshita if that is even possible."

Somewhat surprised that there is a person, I hate more than her she says this

"Huh so you hate corn, 'I'll make sure to give you corn on your birthday'."

"That isn't possible anymore after that birthday, I stopped accepting gifts and celebrating birthdays that corn bastard tramatized me."

"I'll still give you corn."

"I'll cut all ties with you, if you do that."

"Than I will."

"Ok then."

She looks at the next page. She gets a little surprised again to see her name again.

"Hey, Why's my name in it twice?"



What she reads

"Keeps looking down on me an questions my iq damn her my iq is very high it's higher than the average
person and probably even Hayama's.
I think up the best plans and they always work, I give Zaimokuza help with his Novel and Yuigahama help with her cookies even though they were obviously for me(p.s they made me throw up after) Heck I even stand in the corner of every event so people don't get disturbed my appearence very kind aern't I, Looked down on me again and keeps complaining about my eyes woman, I haven't always had fish eyes! I've had normal eyes before all the rejections heck, looked better than hayama and that wasn't an exaggeration, Accuses me of a sex offender when I haven't done anything damn Ice Queen."
She widened her eyes for the first time with genuine surprise, I was wondering why until she spoke.

"You haven't always had rotten eyes? Why did it change, why didn't I know,
why are you so weird and gross now?"

"Hey, you did know Komachi told you once, "my oni-chan was so cute when he was younger, he didn't have rotten eyes."

"Oh well, I didn't believe it then, so it was true, fix your eyes please."

"Oh, Buzz Off."

She Finally Reads It. An Oregairu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now