chapter 6- effort

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leah slid off of billie's lap, exhausted. she fell back into the cushions and shut her eyes, dozing off.

meanwhile, jasmine lay prone, taking up the other half of the couch. her eyes were shut and her chest rose and fell slow, relaxed.

billie put her middle and ring finger in her mouth, sucking off the remains of leah's cum. she tasted the metallic from her rings, adding to the flavor. her pants were stained white in some areas, soaked on her thigh from her girls riding her like a racehorse.

she smirked and shifted her attention to being brought into a slow kiss from leah, who had tiredly grabbed her and into her body.

both girls were almost completely nude, hickeys littering the top half of their body's. at this point the boys had vacated the room, growing bored when they found nothing else to do and realized billie would be there for a while.

the two females soon became more coherent and looked up blearily at billie, the way her lips curved as she smirked capturing their attention. billie crooked her finger in a hither motion, bringing jasmine close to her.

"be a good girl and go get two of your friends back here.", the girl smiled, picking up leah's hand as she passed her, and dragging her along out the sliding doors.

not long after they exited, her friends trailed back into the room one by one. they all had tired faces and red eyes, clear evidence of their activities. brandon looked absolutely trashed. his shirt was ripped in various areas.

"how were those chulas, vro?", stokeley threw himself into the space next to billie, collapsing like a sack of shit. the buttons of his shirt undone halfway down his torso.

"like a fucking fountain, bro. also, i wouldn't sit there.", she pointed at the general area where stokeley was splayed out across the cushions. he shot up like a bullet and wiped off his pants with a bewildered expression, inspecting the spot where he resided.

"oh god, all the questionable fluids that could've been on there...i can practically see the herpes swimming around in there.", brandon let out a cackle as he fell onto the floor, hammered like never before.

"oh baby jesus, my head feels like a fucking bowling ball. could use my headass to get a strike.", he let out a little victorious cheer like the little characters in wii.

"can you stop fucking complaining for one second?", jahseh whined from his spot on the floor. his shirt was off and his pockets were inside out.

"leave me alone, gay boy.", brandon curled up into a ball and moved back into his friend, cocooning himself.

"you're the one being gay. get away from me.", jah slapped his forehead, the smack echoing around the room.

"that was a fucking solid hit— right on his fucking forehead.", she found the sound hilarious, breaking down into a fit of laughter.

"i have some of the best friends ever. i want you all invited to my wedding.", brandon stood up and threw himself into the large beanbag in the corner, soon regretting it when the contents in his stomach jumbled around.

"we know, i want front row seats so i can clown you on how stupid you look in your suit.", the rapper stood up and sat on a couch on the far wall, picking up his phone to check on his notifications.

"i swear all you do is bully me.", stokeley shook his head at billie, his face expressionless as he took a hefty hit from his blunt, marveling at the way the smoke billowed out from his mouth.

"that's because you deserved to be bullied with your highlighter headass, what you gonna do with your head? paint the walls pink?", brandon sat up and threw a pillow straight at jah's head.

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