chapter 17- exposed

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1 week later

"no. finneas—", the ginger continued his rant on the condition of her face.

"okay. fine. tell me how icing your face 10 hours a day and putting on makeup that probably isn't even yours easier than staying home?", her throat croaked as no answer left her lips. she hummed and nodded to herself.

"because finneas, my favorite sibling—", her brother interrupted abruptly.

"i'm your only sibling.", she sighed and put her head in her hands. she had a major headache, probably from getting the equivalent of 500 pounds smashed onto her head last week.

"as i was saying, it's because going out is nice and something you never do. the sun is shining and it's bright and it's a bitch sometimes, but you only stay inside with claudia and peaches.", he snorted and chewed on something crunchy that made her eardrums ring since the phone was up against her face.

"you know, maybe if you were a normal human being, you would know that at the rate you're going out everyday. you have stds.", lucky for her she got checks every week.

"actually, i'm a big girl now and i go to the doctors by myself now. of course, with sully. that man never goes anywhere else but with me.", she was being completely serious, the big man stayed home unless he was going out on the job.

"right. mom is still asking if you're coming over for christmas, she says she misses when you ruin her sweet potatoes.", she chuckled and shook her head. her family always says they miss her, when she sees them almost every day.

"she says like i never go over at their house for food all the time.", finneas chuckled before sounding like he patted his dog's head.

"just text them, bil. they miss you regardless. love you.", she looked over at the jars of weed she had stacked on her counter, placed like they were spices. they just looked like a row of disappointment.

"of course, love you too.", she threw her phone back on the bed and thought about the date she had planned. she had yet to tell juniper about it, but hopefully she'd agree.

overexcited for the occasion she bounced over to her walk-in closet and pulled together something she thought she would look hot in. it was recently sent to her by gucci, a thank you for doing yet another photo shoot with them.

she whistled lightly when she picked up some shoes that were clunky but knew would go perfectly.

she put the baggy suit on another hanger, placing them on an empty space so it wouldn't get mixed up. shuffling came from her bed and she perked up, happy the girl she fucked last night was awake.

"wassup, sleepyhead. need your fine ass outta here, i got somewhere to be, mama.", the girl blinked slowly, kissing her cheek when billie walked over to her. fiona, smiled and stood up, pulling on an oversized sleeping shirt billie owned and her shorts. she didn't bother putting on her thong, it being sticky from her late night activities.

"call me sometime, daddy. your dick felt so good inside of me.", her eyes rolled back teasingly and she laughed when billie slapped her ass.

"get out of here, fiona.", the girl scampered away with a blissful smile, a little wobble to her walk. with every step her butt jiggled and billie took her time in watching as she left.

her phone buzzed with a text from juniper, she jumped onto the disheveled bed and picked up the device.


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