chapter 8- hostile

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walking through the wooden doors, the smell of weed hit his senses. it put him in a sense of uncertainty, he had his baby sister here, he didn't want her getting influenced.

where is she anyway?

she had run off as soon as she got through the threshold, something she did often if she wasn't supervised.

alejandro grew worried when he didn't find her talking up a storm anywhere, he was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, he had yet to see his friend.

he heard laughter erupting from a back room, following the commotion to where he found juniper sitting beside billie, who had her arm her shoulders, leaning a little too close in her personal space.

jah was no where to be seen, least to say he was uncomfortable in his current situation. whereas juniper looked like she had known these strangers her entire life, joking around like they were old friends.

"what's so funny? how'd you get here so fast?", alejandro took seat next his sister, examining the different expressions each of them held. he smiled dully, he had a hard time trusting others, especially since it was just him and juniper.

"you know her, pretty boy?", jah showed up from behind him, holding two cans of coke, condensation forming lightly.

jah handed one to alejandro's sister, giving a warm grin. his eyes shifted to alejandro and his expression shifted to something different, an unfamiliar emotion took over.

"juno, i told you not to accept anything.", he urged, pointing to the red can that rested in her delicate hands.

she shook her head and showed him that it was unopened, fresh and new. he knew he was slightly overbearing and was working on laying off, knowing it pissed off juniper.

"it's fine, get the stick out of your ass.", she popped it open with a satisfying sizzle and pop.

"she said you were her brother, i couldn't believe it at first. such a fine girl and then there's you, nah no way!", billie laughed, shaking her head signaling she was playing her, he didn't it was very funny.

she was sitting in her usual position, the middle of the spotlight. legs spread open in a man spread, arm across armrest and one resting on the back of the couch.

her outfit was louis vuitton based, from the bandana on her head to the shoes she wore it was labeled with the brand.

"haha, very funny, what a fucking jokester.", the green haired girl narrowed her eyes at him, keeping his sister's attention on her. billie turned her head by the jaw when she moved to look back to where her brother sat to set him straight about how he was talking.

it pissed him off, alejandra could see by the way billie was treating her that she wanted juniper to be in her complete control.

his eyes turned to slits, not enjoying the way she was eyeing up juniper like she was a piece of meat.

"that's good..i bet you make great outfits, princess. too bad pretty boy here doesn't appreciate it", was all she muttered, shifting in her seat, running a tongue over her she was hungry.

"i'd appreciate it if you weren't eye-fucking my sister in front of my face.", alejandro gritted out, he was pushing his limit, seeing as though he was the outcast.

"i'd appreciate it if you didn't use that tone with me, pretty boy. i'm just appreciating something you're not able to do, cause then that'd be incest, you feel?.", her voice was deadly, dripping with venom. her usual light eyes were glossed over with darkness.

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