The New Year

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Yeah that's right, tomorrow we say good bye to 2014. But the new year is right around the corner.

That means we all make new memories. My New Years resolution is to write down all the good things throughout the year and put it in a bottle.

At the end of the year I'm going to open that bottle up and go through all of them. And I know it'll be a confidence booster.

Another New Years resolution is to write down all the bad things throughout the year and put them in a different bottle.

When I'm done going through the good things, I'm going to burn the bad one and let it all go.

Usually people make their resolution out to be about losing weight or wing a better person. Mine have been all about leaving the bad people out in the past year.

I'm definitely a changed person who does not want to go through all sorts of pain repeatedly. I also don't like letting people go, especially when they mean the world to me.

There are a lot of upsides to my new resolutions. I have something to look forward to! Lol we all have them days where we just want to die and shut everybody out.

Now I know that I won't want to die knowing what could happen before the end of the year. Something new might happen that I could write about! Lol kind of excited.

My story of 2014 ends tomorrow and a new one starts at midnight... Bring it on!

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