
22 1 0

I don't know what I should put for a title for this entry because I don't know how I feel right now.

I put my life into another persons hands expecting them to take care of it. But I swear they twist and pull on it.

For example; I'm broadening my horizons to actually find someone that I could possibly have feelings for. Opening up to guys too quick.

I know I can be a little annoying and immature. And believe me when I tell you, I hate when people tell me those things. Like for real! I already know now shut the fuck up.

Which brings me to another point; don't fucking call me a whore! Lol clear enough? I'm not a whore, slut, prude, anything else tho?... Just don't do it.

I have never had sex. Only kissed one person in my life. I would really like to say that I wish I'd never been kissed.

Because there wasn't these so called fireworks when it happened. But I also want to say that I miss kisses.

So how am I whore? Lol is it cuz I am a social person? News flash: everyone in my family is haha.

Let's jump back tho, to the beginning. Not of this entry but when I started getting called a whore.

Usually my friends call me that, but I swear, if I turn around to talk to a friend in geometry, and you call me a whore for no reason, I will get up and punch you in the face.

At the end of the day, I still don't know how to feel. People who call me a whore, missing that one person, and overall: leave your words to yourself. Nobody wants to here them...

I'm out ✌️

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