Homo or Hedro?

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Straight. Gay. Lesbians. Bisexual. I'm about to give you my input on each.

Bisexual, or as I like to call bicurious, is the most frustrating sexuality. How does one get attracted to a male and a female.

There is a huge difference between the two sexes. So why both? You can't have sex with both of them at the same time. Threesomes are in existence but that's gross.

Gay. Atta boy!! I give you guys credit. Ten point for any males out there that put out to other males! For real though. I think guys have it harder when it comes to sexuality.

Although I do not know about what goes where when it comes to actual sex.

Lesbians. Girl have it easier. Guys always think it's much hotter to see two girls getting it on. Why? I'll never understand.

Straight. That's me✌️. I couldn't ever be attracted to another female. I can barely look at myself in the mirror before jumping into the shower.

Either homo or hedro. Idc who you like or what you like. It's not about my judgement to stop two people from getting married.

No hate to anyone out there! I love everybody no matter who you are!!

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