Down Syndrome

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I met this girl at work. She is about 30- respectfully. She obviously had down syndrome. It was hard to understand her, although there was about 75 other people in that room.

I'm sure when she was talking to me, I was all red. She was asking about birthdays. Specifically mine.

Apparently me and her brother have the same birthday. And her birthday is four days before mine. She also said I was cute.

Like yes! Haha

It got me thinking though. She's probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. All because she probably doesn't understand how cruel this world can be.

I'm not being mean and disrespectful. I'm actually doing the opposite. I respect this girl who I don't even know. A person I had a two minute conversation with.

Another thing I noticed was her smile. Every time she looked at me, she smiled. I smiled back because she made my night.

People with this problem make me think about life. They are bullied and stared at, but they are always smiling and just happy about everything.

These few pages are entirely out of respect. I'm sorry if any of you guys take any of this the wrong way.

Just know that I love these kind of people for this reason. They are kind, caring, and just respectful. Even if they don't know you.

Why can't the rest of the world be like this...

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