Chapter 1

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A/N: i mainly started writing this story to let out some pent up stuff, since writing is one of my go-to outlets other than singing or drawing, but it's turned into a story somehow,, hope you guys enjoy my first story, and if you have any constructive criticism feel free to share,, if you like it, let me know 'cause I ain't exactly the best writer, and I didn't plan this ahead at all, i'm just writing as i go

TW: Ab*se, strong language (I'll tell you when the TW starts and ends)

I woke up that morning from my fitful sleep and immediately dreaded the day that awaited me. I lay in bed for a few seconds, relishing in the safety and warmth of the bedsheets. After a minute, however, I reluctantly got out of bed to get ready for my first day at my new school. I left my room and made my way to the bathroom as quietly as I could. I brushed my teeth, straightened up my hair, applied my eyeshadow, and carefully made my way back to my room, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding as I closed my bedroom door behind me.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans as well as a mauve long-sleeved shirt, putting them on. Satisfied with my appearance, I felt my anxiety spike as I walked out of my room and down the hallway to the front door. I silently reached the door and extended my arm to unlock the door. I let out a sigh of relief as I grasped the lock.


After I unlocked the top lock of the front door I felt someone grasp my shirt and I got thrown down painfully to the ground, knocking the air out of me. I looked up to see my father towering above me with his arms crossed.

"Where the fuck are you running off to so quietly?" he asked with a venomous tone.

"S-s-s-school.." I replied quietly, cursing myself for my stupid stutter. He then kicked me from where I lay on the ground, causing me to cry out in pain from being hit where I already had a large bruise.

"And who the hell said you could leave? I know damn well it wasn't me."

I lay on the ground in silent terror, unsure of what the right answer was, clutching my throbbing side.

"Well?!" he yelled, causing me to flinch at the noise.

"S-sorry, I-I won't do i-it again.."

He dealt a sharp kick to my leg and I let out a strained yelp, my leg starting to throb almost as much as my side. He let out an exasperated sigh and said, "Just get the fuck out of my sight you little shit. And don't bother coming home tonight, or you're not gonna be able to walk for a fuckin' week." He kicked me one last time before he walked off casually into the kitchen, as if he didn't just kick the shit out of me.

I lay on the floor shaking, struggling to calm down. After taking a few panicky breaths I sat up slowly, hissing in pain at my aching bruises. I got up from the floor, almost falling from a sharp pain in my leg, but managed to keep my balance on the wall.

-------TW ENDED-------

I sighed and slung my backpack over my shoulders as I made my way slowly to the bus stop, trying as hard as I could not to make it obvious that I was limping. After about 10 minutes of waiting, the bus screeched to a stop infront of me, and I sighed once more as I made my way up the steps.

Great, I thought as I saw the bus packed with students, I just had to move into the neighborhood with way too many kids.

I quickly scanned the other students on the bus and my eyes landed on a guy about as short as me with rounded glasses and curly dirty blonde hair. He seemed friendly enough, so I made my way over to him. As I sat down I let out a quiet pained hiss and hoped no one heard.

That hope was immediately thrown out of the window when the guy next to me piped up in a bubbly voice, "You okay, kiddo?"

I flinched slightly, not expecting anyone to even try to speak to me, especially since I was the new kid. He looked at me with a slight look of concern and I replied, "Y-yeah, I'm just fine.."

He smiled and said, "Oh okay! Well, I'm Patton!"

I couldn't help but give a small smile back at how happy he was and replied hesitantly, "I'm V-Virgil.."

He beamed happily and loudly exclaimed, "Yay, new kiddo!!" He then proceeded to wrap me in a warm hug, which would've been nice if I wasn't aching. I bit my lip to keep from letting out a pained yelp.

He seemed to notice me tense up and quickly released me, apoligizing immediately, "Sorry, Virgil, I tend to hug everyone but I should've asked first."

I began to feel bad and quickly replied, "N-no, it's okay Patton, you just caught me by surprise is all."

He brightened up and said with a smile, "Oh, that's a relief!"

~time skip brought to you by Crofter's, the only jelly I'll put in my belly~

As we stepped off of the bus I cringed at the pressure on my leg as I walked, but just sucked it up and walked alongside Patton into the school.

"Ooh, I should introduce you to my two best friends!"

"S-sure.." I said, slightly nervous at the thought of meeting more new people. I followed Patton as he approached two taller guys. The tallest one had squared glasses with neat black hair, as well as a black shirt with a clean dark blue tie. The other guy.... I felt my face immediately get hot.

Sanders Sides High School AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora