Chapter 14

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A/N: I have gotten off of my ass and I'm finally writing this shitty chapter,,, I'll edit this later, I'm too tired to give two fucks rn cuz its past 3am atm

TW: fighting, blood, Remus

Roman's POV

After patching up Virgil to the best of my ability, I quickly wrote a note for him explaining where he was and what happened just in case he woke up before I got back. After leaving the note on his chest, I immediately sped out the front door, rushing back to the park. It was about 15 minutes away if you're walking, so I got there in record time, speeding down the trail.

As I ran down the trail I saw in the distance 2 guys hitting and kicking someone with a third guy to the side unconscious. Running faster, the figures became clearer and I saw that it was Remus who was on the ground bleeding and being hit and kicked. I stopped dead in my tracks 10 feet away, my blood boiling.

"HEY! FUCKERS!" I yelled out, causing them to freeze their action and whip around to face me.

"Ohh, hey kid!" One of them that had brass knuckles on said with a smirk. "Sorry about your buddy here, guess he wasn't so tough, huh?"

I grit my teeth and clenched my fists, restraining myself from killing him.

This is a fight, Roman, not murder. Even if they did ruthlessly beat your twin brother to a bloody pulp.

"What? Nothing to say, little bitch?" said the other one, sneering.

That's it.

I lunged at the one with a switchblade, tackling him to the ground and causing him to release the blade. I bashed my fists into his face without end, not stopping even when the other guy attempted to pull me off. The other guy gave up trying to pull me off and swung a fist at me, and I went sprawling onto the ground. He almost stomped on my ribs but I quickly rolled out of the way.

This dude really just tried to step on my ribs as if that wouldn't puncture my lung and kill me.

Hopping to my feet, the guy threw a wave of fists at me, just barely missing me. The other guy remained unconscious on the ground after I had basically beaten his face in during a moment of blind rage. After dodging for a while, the guy suddenly changed the direction of his first mid-swing and I went stumbling back on my feet from the impact. I felt my lip where I had been hit and felt blood dripping out of a split in my lip.

Ugh I need to find a way to end this fight already. Does this dude not tire out after fighting for so long, or something?

I was definitely tiring out since all I was doing was blocking from his attacks. I had to keep going, though. I had to find just a single opening... there!

As soon as I saw the opening, I slammed my fist as hard as I could into his head. He fell to the ground and slipped into unconsciousness, and I let out a breath of relief.

"Remus!" I called out nervously as I ran to my twin who was lying still on the ground. I fell to my knees next to him, immediately checking for a pulse and feeling relief wash over me when I felt it.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I'm fuckin exhausted

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