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"Can I barrow you're phone please?" I asked her.

She handed me the phone and I called Buke.

"Hey, it's Poe." I said on the phone.

Buke asked "Why are you calling me on a different phone? Where's Tae?"

I scratched my head and said "I left the hotel and I really don't want to be involved in anything. So, please just leave me out of everything. I have a family and I don't want nothing to happen to them."

Buke sighed and said "I know this is hard but you shouldn't have left the guys. You are in much more danger."

I said "I'm leaving back to my parents."

Buke shouted "DON'T!"

I asked "Why not?"

Buke said "If you do then Bambam will hurt them. He may be following you and may try to find your weaknesses."

I sighed and said "I'll give him what he wants if he leaves my family alone."

Buke said "I tell you what...I'll help you."

"How?" I asked getting kind of happy.

He said "I'll get Tae or one of the guys to get you a a new identity for now. Then you can leave back to your family. It's like you disappear from the map for awhile."

I said "I don't want any of the guys to help in this. The less people know the better it is for me."

Buke said "You're right. This will be between us two."

"Thank you!" I said.

"I'll have everything you need by the time I go pick you up. Text me the address and I'll meet you there." He said.

The elderly woman asked "Are you involved in something bad?"

"No...but thank you for helping me. I'm leaving now." I said as I headed towards her door. I went to the nearest park and stayed in between the people. I didn't want to get kidnapped or something. Buke came after I text him the address and picked me up.

Buke said "The police at the airport know about you going now. I have all your paper work and you should be good to go for now."

"Thank you..." I said softly.

Buke said "I'm sorry for all of this."

I said "It's ok. I think this is what I get for working at a graveyard."

He chuckled and we got to airport. Buke asked "Want me to go with you?"

"No, it's ok the police are on there anyways." I stated but I didn't want to bother him anymore. His arm wasn't healed yet.

Buke handed me a phone and I did accept it. They took my phone after all and didn't seem like I was going to get it back.

"Promise me something." I said before getting off.

"What?" He asked.

Police Or Mafia [MIN YOONGI]Where stories live. Discover now