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[[[[[[[[[[Kind 18 and up]]]]]]]]]]

I turned up the A/C a little more. Yoongi glanced over at me.

"Are you that hot?" He asked.

"Yeah, aren't you?" I asked.

Yoongi gazed his eyes on the road and said "My fingers are freezing but if you're hot then I can deal with it."

I got embarrassed and didn't say anything.

"Look I wanted to apologize from last time we talked..." He said.

"Don't even. I regret leaving you. I think I would be cut up by now." I said as I began to blush from embarrassment.

Yoongi said "Just stay with us until we trap Mark and Bambam."

I chuckled and said "I don't know why but it seems like that's hard."

Yoongi said "It's not but it hasn't been in my plans to trap them. However, with everything going on maybe they are the one's that I want to trap."

I turned to look at him and he asked "Did you ask Mark about Woozi?"

I gasped and said "No...Well, I didn't think I would ever see you again. Plus, Mark just talked about what would happen to me."

He nodded his head sideways "Same old Mark. Scaring his victims first before using them or killing them."

I didn't say anything as the thoughts began to come back to my brain and haunt them.

"Another house?" I asked.

Yoongi said "I thought you got kidnapped and thought it wasn't safe for any of us to stay there. Later, on I found out you left cause you wanted too. Then found out you were captured by Bambam. So, I decided to get a house under a fake name. So, we should be safe for now."

I began to hold my throat as I got out his car and the guys came from behind. Jimin unlocked the door and we went in. Yoongi began to talk to them how to be more careful. I walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge.

Jungkook whispered from behind "What are you looking for?"

I almost had a heart attack when I turned around. "Water...I'm so thirsty." I whispered back.

He smiled and said "We don't have water bottles cause we have the purified kind."

He got me a glass cup and gave it to me. I went to the sink and filled it up.

Jungkook said "I would be thirsty too if I was with those people."

I began to drink my water and nodded my head. I finished it and said "Those are not people."

He chuckled and Rm came into the kitchen. "Yoongi is looking for you." Rm said. I nodded my head and filled up my cup with water.

"Wow, you really are thirsty..." He said with a very surprised tone.

I smiled and left to the living room. Yoongi turned around and said "If you want to go somewhere you have to tell us. If anyone tries to do something tell us. Anything that happens just tell us. Okay?"

Police Or Mafia [MIN YOONGI]Where stories live. Discover now