Burn It

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"So, your Woozi's brother." Jonathan asked.

Yoongi said "Yeah, I am."

Jonathan said "You must of been really special to him. Since, he died for you."

"I would have done the same. I'm in this cause of him and I actually like it. I'm going to miss the police life but that has ended." Yoongi said.

Jimin said "He'll be in peace once we have his body again."

Jungkook asked "How do we get it?"

Yoongi said looking at Jonathan "I was thinking that you can end up showing up as his cousin."

Jonathan said "I've done bad things. It'll show up on my criminal record."

He looked at him with a smirk. "I'll tell you how the process will go." Yoongi said as they all went inside the place he gambles alot.

Jonathan nodded and said "Alright, I get it."

Yoongi said "Either way, I'll save you if anything goes wrong."

Jungkook said "Trust him. He knows what he's saying."

They finally said on the news that they had Woozi's body. Jonathan finally went into the police station but the guys stayed near.

Jungkook asked "Won't they check him?"

Yoongi said "No, only if he is under arrest. The microphone won't be caught it's to small."

Jonathan said "I'm cousins with Woozi and I would like to claim his body."

A police officer said "We need some sort of identification card from you. We also, need to test your blood to have proof that you both are related."

Jonathan said "Of course." He handed out the identification card and waited for a copy to be made."

He got his card back and went into a room where they took out blood.

He took a seat and said "I get a little jumpy when it comes to needles."

The nurse said "oh, that's fine. I'll try to make this quick."

She put the rubber band a little above his elbow and tied it up. She found where she would take out the blood and began.

"I'm not feeling to well..." Jonathan said.

She said "Almost done."

Jonathan looked down and waited for it to be done. She quickly closed up the tube and put it on the tray. She turned around to put the needle in the trash can and Jonathan made the tray fall on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! Ugh it's just these needles get me like this!" He shouted.

She picked up the tube of blood and said "Don't worry. We are done. I'll just put a bandage and the results should be out in 30 minutes."

Jonathan left the room and went out into the waiting room to wait. He then ended up going to the bathroom and took awhile.

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